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  1. Comorbid

    Airflow and humidity.

    By the time she flowers I'll have a humidity gauge and I live in a temperate climate, so I should be okay on that front. Thanks for the info. Are there any early telltale signs to look out for?
  2. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Lights: 250w 6500k CFL with reflector (overhead 12") and 75w 6500k CFL (vertical 6") Room: Closet grow 1.5 x 1.5 x 4.5 foot Air/Fans: Low powered dual laptop fans Plant: Mystery seed found in local bag Soil: Specialised growing soil for MJ bought online (donated by friend) Water/pH: I live...
  3. Comorbid

    Airflow and humidity.

    Yeah, that could work. Secrecy isn't really a problem. What are the negative effects of bad air circulation? And is this going to become a bigger problem as the plant grows? Also, is the Mylar a necessity, as I'm already throwing a huge amount of light at a single plant, and the sides of the...
  4. Comorbid

    Airflow and humidity.

    Odor isn't really a problem. My housemates know I'm growing, and one of them grows too. He's not too worried about his deposit, so he just cut holes in his closet. I have odor gel (not sure if it works) and the house always smells of bud anyway from smoking. The landlord doesn't seem to mind.
  5. Comorbid

    Airflow and humidity.

    Hi all, first time grower here, wondering about a few things. I'm doing a single plant closet grow. The grow space is about 1.5 x 1.5 x 4.5 foot. I'm using an overhead 250w 6500k cfl with a reflector, and a 75w 6500k cfl standing up beside the plant. I have a low powered laptop fan to promote...