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    thanks, i just wish we got more sunshine in G.A. right now. lol My plants look pretty sad
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    hey every one, well i have a question bout water issues.. lol i watered my outdoor plants 2 days ago and well yesturday was a real shitty, rainy day, and they might have got a lil more water than supposed to, will they still survive if i dont water them for about 3-4 more days? only one plant...
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    Growing In The Woods

    oh and the ones that are about 6 inch tall and arnt growing.. they were planted about march 23rd... so any idea? do i rip em out and start over or let em keep stayin 6 inch and seee wat happens?
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    Growing In The Woods

    well thanks Schecter, just wish there was a quicker way to talk to people bout this growing process because i dont even know what type of green im growing... they call it "Mids" around here but there is no specific name. They get about 5-6 hrs of sunlight. Any way, i just went ahead and planted...
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    Growing In The Woods

    hey guys, im new to growing but have been reading up on conversations yall have and google of course but i have been seeing that yall say "Miracle Grow" isnt too good for the little plants. I have 8 plants and 2 of them are in miracle grow. They just came up about 2 weeks ago but now they arnt...