Growing In The Woods


Active Member
dammit man well its all i got except the soil in the woods and i dont know if thats any good until i go up there tomorow and see if anything has grown!

anyone else here used miracle grow to start off with? has it been ok?


Active Member
what should i plant it in beforehand? do u mean sparying fert or putting it in miracle grow? cos none of the soil i can get is any good to start off with the only stuff ive got is miracle grow

like what should i start it off in?


Active Member
ah right so it is good to put them in that soil to start with cheers man

r u just referring to spraying ferts on them? if they are thanks, i wasnt going to do it until i did research but youve helped by telling me here, any update on your grow? checked back not long ago but same pictures


Well-Known Member
yeah i just did an update today.

for 4:20 of course.

its okay to start plants in MG soil. but its never good to give such a young seedling nuets exp if the soil already is providing that

josh b

Well-Known Member
If this is all the soil you have then it's fine,i only said what i said incase you had the chance to do it but it dosent really matter it just help's.

Do you kno how many hour's of direct sunlight your grow spot's get?,because they seem to love about 6 hour's of direct sunlight per day or more.

Yea man im deffinatly growing outdoor's still im just starting them off indoor's to give them some strength,i found some sick grow spot's im gonna fence of soon but i will still be growing in pot's and mayb a few in the ground.

I am using some kind of slow release fertalizer until they start to flower then move onto some miracle grow to bulk them up.

I am gonna put them out in 2-3 week's and also put them into bigger pot's before moving them into my homemeade grow bag's for flowering.

I went out again today to find another few spot's for the extra 5 i will be doing and gonna go back to it at about 4ish to see if it's still getting direct sun because i want atleast 6 hour's of direct sunlight as i think my spot's may become semi shaded by the tree's and bushe's.

Gl growing,cya soon mate
hey guys, im new to growing but have been reading up on conversations yall have and google of course but i have been seeing that yall say "Miracle Grow" isnt too good for the little plants. I have 8 plants and 2 of them are in miracle grow. They just came up about 2 weeks ago but now they arnt gettin any bigger than about 6 inc tall. They in huge grow pots and i water them about ever 3rd day. The other 6 plants i got i used normal G.A. soil and im not seein wat i think i should be lol.. they are turnin a lil yellow and one has a little brown on it... Any one know what could be wrong?


Active Member
yellow leaves? no idea. and about the ones which aren't growing, hmm you are giving them all they need and they wont grow i dunno surely if they were crap seeds they wouldnt have grown at all? no idea, im so noob at this im still germinating some seeds.

and josh sounds good let us know when u move em outside i dunno about sunlight but i went there once during the day i cant remember what time it wa si think late afternoon and the sun was shining bright i was there at about 5 o clock and it still looked good so i think the spot stays sunny all throughout the day and its also covered from one side

next task sneak compost and pots up there!! so long as all ten seeds germ for friday


Active Member
and i think the new layout is ok but it didnt need to be changed also have you guys noticed that this thread has about 7000 views and i havent even started growing yet haha im letting the team down :(
well thanks Schecter, just wish there was a quicker way to talk to people bout this growing process because i dont even know what type of green im growing... they call it "Mids" around here but there is no specific name. They get about 5-6 hrs of sunlight.
Any way, i just went ahead and planted bout 10 more near a little creek we got in our backyard. Think that would be any better?
oh and the ones that are about 6 inch tall and arnt growing.. they were planted about march 23rd... so any idea? do i rip em out and start over or let em keep stayin 6 inch and seee wat happens?


Active Member
ffs it just wiped what i wrote i took ages finding links

this is a good guide for growing it helped me a lot

this is a link with plant problems and why they are caused

guys can you help? my seeds look like this

should they look more like this before i plant?

they can wait until friday though so they should come along a little bit more by then


Active Member
oh and i dunno man thats a bit odd so they arent getting any taller are the fan leaves getting bigger at all or are they not growing at all? no idea man but u wudnt wanna get rid of them in case in a few weeks time you thought hmm they could have grown just try for a little longer

josh b

Well-Known Member
Yep i have been getting on with thing's,im going out tomorow to buy some soil and fencing,netting ect...

I am worried about my grow spot's but i kno that they are perfectly fine i just get paranoid because i forgot everyone is old so no one can get this far into the bush without colapsing lol.

I still have atleast 2 month's before i need my main growing plot's all ready for the mother's to go in.I will be happy to get 10/20 female's so i can pay alot of attention to them.

I have cleared away a nice place to put them out in a few week's,recieve's atleast 10 hours of direct sunlight!! so they will get hugeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Hope you get everythink ready soon man,gl.


Active Member
yeh lol everyone around here is old too but i always see someone walking their dog when im on the way to the grow spot

yeh i hope its sorted take a look at those pics i posted links to see what you think co i dont think the roots are long enough yet but if they dont even get that far do you think they are just shit anyway? i cant believe i wasted lik 20 seeds by just ptting them in the ground lol >.<

i think ill go dig them up and germinate them properly.

hopefully i can plant this friday but it depends if the seeds germinate by then im germing 10 seeds but they r taking like 5 days 6 tomorrow it takes the piss

josh b

Well-Known Member
Just use the wet paper towl method in a dark draw covered up or even under the bed but the paper towl must stay wet at all times and you must keep the seed's apart and folded over the paper towl so they are in bed,but you must keep the paper towl wet at all times but dont let the seed's sit in a puddle of water

Yes all my root's looked alot bigger than them in 1 day lol,make sure the root's are about the lengh of a filter tip for a roll up then put them half an inch down in the soil with the root facing down and them give about 2 table spoon's of water every 2 day's and you should see them grow fine.


Active Member
cool man well one of the root tips isnt that long but the shell is cracking so i guess it isnt gong ot get any longer but it is properly germinated? the others are maybe about half the length of a filter tip,m ah facing down i thought it was up lol, yeh man tomorrow shud be good i can definitely sneak the miracle grow out and shit woohoo

i can finally use this thread as a grow journal soon

once again you guys are awesome all of you!!