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  1. Smokeusmaximus

    Out door growing right now?

    Hey I live on the west coast and wondering if I can start some teens outside? I can no longer keep them under t5. The weathers is good here in the desert but wondering if there's enough sunlight... right now I have 2 plants outside for a month and they've been flowering
  2. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    An update on babies :) got a new job so its been tough keeping them maintained.. but the rku GREw 2 beautiful tops after I filmed ..should I trim them?
  3. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    i watch them get bigger lol medicated
  4. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    went to go feed the girls again and gave them a dose of more nutrients.. working on getting a tds meter to check the ppm of the solution. its my first time growing so everytime i see them i watch them grow ..
  5. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    i wasnt aware til just recently but i wanted to make some oil for my grandparents lol i bought them an indicreme xtreme CBD and they say it does wonders
  6. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    thanks for the help this is a picture of the project in the shed.. vegging them here til they are ready to veg in may
  7. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    what does ween them down mean? lol sorry newbie... i have 2 ac dc an i have 2 small ac dc clones growing next to them and ihave a project with my buddy in a shed... what does ween them down mean?
  8. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    my grandma insisted that melons wouldnt grow here as shes tried countless of times lol proving her wrong
  9. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    an update the girls... im thinkin of just letting them flower
  10. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    just fed the girls and saw more signs of flowering... will i be able to harvest in time? if so what would be my yield?
  11. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    i checked on the girls this morning and saw some pre flowering on the cherry og.. i had just fimmed the plants so i was wondering if that was bad? i read that i was supposed to let them recoverr for a couple weeks before flowering...
  12. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    Road Kill Unicorn
  13. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    here are some pics i took of the girls today.. note that the cherry og is the one that was topped and rku is taller, i fimmed them yesterday and i see new shoots coming out
  14. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    if they flower and revege will the flowers still come out potent? i cant put them in the t 5 anymore Also how frequent should i be feeding them? i gave them pure water today at ph around 6
  15. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    is it too early in the season? i have been seeing them grow everyday with no signs of preflowering. are you familliar with the area?
  16. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    i wasnt planning on flowering just yet, i was hoping to get them bigger and bushier..
  17. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    i got my phone damaged so i couldnt get pictures of when they are younger. i grew them in a closet under t5 for a week then put them outside and its been 3 weeks into vefging. are they healthy and normal? or can you sot any defficiencys?
  18. Smokeusmaximus

    Coachella outdoor Grow

    This will be my first time growing. I am growing miles off where the famous coachella fest. I got these two clones from a dispensary. Road kill Unicorn and cherry og. I have them in 3 gallon smart pots and im using the general hydroponics 3 part.Also using silicia blast and x nutrients ful...