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  1. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    So, it has been a few days since my last post, I was a way for a few days. On Monday (Day 8 ), we began providing nutrients with our regular water feedings. We mixed our nutrients .25 teaspoon to 1 Gallon of water. We put the mixed nutrients in a Portable Drinking Jug used for camping. It has a...
  2. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    edux10, nope not a black light. it is a grow light designed for plants. I figured it was good to use something like this during the early stage to give the babies plants a good start. we have removed this now and have moved to cool white lights. we will go back to warm white later on. The full...
  3. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    New room pics didn't post correctly. here they are again.
  4. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    So we figured it was time to give our little nursery area a face lift and get some much needed items to be prepared for the second phase. We are still quite a way from then but figured it best to get it prepared. We totally removed the nursery from the closet and completely cleaned it out. We...
  5. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Good call gangjababy, thanks. I was doing some reading myself and came to the same conclusion. I decided not to feed them yesterday at all and they did dry out today. I just fed them today at 6pm and only gave them 10ml. We should be good to go now.
  6. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    thanks Tetra, I have a feeling I could use some advice as we go
  7. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Its Day 5 since I started the seeds in a plate and things are progressing along nicely. After yesterdays post we noticed a 3rd plant pop its head up and to our surprise it took off like a bat out of hell. It jumped right up and presented a couple of round leaves very quickly and proceeded to...
  8. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Thursday 08/14/08 This post should get us up to date with where we actually are at the moment. Since, I just started the thread the other posts, were catching up on progress. Checked on the babies this morning and was surprised to see a couple popping through already - Very surprised...
  9. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Mammal - yeah kids are over 18 and they have been forewarned that this is very hush hush and only for personal use. lighting info to come. we are starting slow but definitely need to buy some stuff as we go.
  10. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    We decided to check on the seed progress on Wednesday 8/13/08. To our surprise we had some good results. 4 out of the 10 that I started had opened up and produced small roots, another 4 from my son's batch were also moving along nicely. From what we have read many people suggested putting them...
  11. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    So, I decided to go ahead and start a grow journal on my first attempt at growing. My two sons and I have been talking about growing for sometime because of the increased costs lately and we got a reluctant but OK nod from mom. I did a lot of reading and I think the biggest thing I learned from...