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  1. R

    First time auto run

    I got mine from ilgm , couldn’t really find anywhere else
  2. R

    First time auto run

    Where’d you get your seeds from ?
  3. R

    First time auto run

    But I don’t want to transplant these as they are autos and I don’t want to stunt them a whole lot more lol
  4. R

    First time auto run

    My medium is definitely not up to par for sure , I’m positive if I got some living super soil or even coco coir would be way better
  5. R

    First time auto run

    they’re all doing slow , the youngest one sprouted with pearlite on her and the first leaf absorbed it and the leaf curled up but didn’t die . I think it’s the soil because I’ve seen growers like mr canucks use the 5 gal but I see them also water more , and use fabric pots so there could be many...
  6. R

    First time auto run

    Yeah she’s in a tent , along with two others .. and no I’m glad you’re asking so many questions , I’ve done nothing but stress about everything and to have someone that knows a bit more helps a lot !! She’s in a 5 gal bucket , and I’d say the tent is about 4 feet tall , maybe 2-3 wide and 2-3...
  7. R

    First time auto run

    It was at 27 inches from the soil at first then I put it down to 24 so I’d say maybe 20 inches give or take a few
  8. R

    First time auto run

    I forgot what my medium is called , but I’m using flora series using about a teaspoon of micro and bloom and for lights I bought a cheap amazon light , the recordcent “ 1000w “ their website says they give off about 700 par at 28 inches and I germinated her June 18th , or that’s when she...
  9. R

    First time auto run

    This is my first autoflower so far and every picture I see of other ones at 4-5 weeks look huge with crazy bud sites coming out already and I just started lst acouple Days ago lol but im not sure if I’m watering too little or too much or what so if someone could help me out I’d appreciate it !!
  10. R

    perlite turning rusty orange

    Thank you guys !! Almost had a heart attack when I saw this on my pearlite . Crazy this forum is 10 years old lol