First time auto run


New Member
A63E589E-F2E3-45A9-A340-35A4C26D0210.jpegThis is my first autoflower so far and every picture I see of other ones at 4-5 weeks look huge with crazy bud sites coming out already and I just started lst acouple Days ago lol but im not sure if I’m watering too little or too much or what so if someone could help me out I’d appreciate it !!


Well-Known Member
Going to need a bit more info to help. What is your growing medium? What are you feeding her? What are you using for lights? When did you germinate her?


New Member
I forgot what my medium is called , but I’m using flora series using about a teaspoon of micro and bloom and for lights I bought a cheap amazon light , the recordcent “ 1000w “ their website says they give off about 700 par at 28 inches and I germinated her June 18th , or that’s when she sprouted atleast n, it took her like 5 days to sprout but the other ones took about 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
I would take everything on those lights with a grain of salt. My "1000w" vanderlife led only pulls 135watts from the outlet. I just looked up your light, and while it is not the top of the line any more, it is by far not trash either. I'd say that is a step up from my best one right now. My girls are vegging and cloning and re-vegging under my 1000w..... how far away, from the highest point on your plant, is your light?


New Member
It was at 27 inches from the soil at first then I put it down to 24 so I’d say maybe 20 inches give or take a few


Well-Known Member
That should be ok. Is she in a tent? What is the area around her like? I know it is a lot of questions, I'm sorry. But environment has major influence on growth.
Also, can you get a side shot of her and post it as a thumbnail, I would like to get a close look at her branch nodes.


New Member
Yeah she’s in a tent , along with two others .. and no I’m glad you’re asking so many questions , I’ve done nothing but stress about everything and to have someone that knows a bit more helps a lot !! She’s in a 5 gal bucket , and I’d say the tent is about 4 feet tall , maybe 2-3 wide and 2-3 long It stays decently warm in there and I have a fan pointing down through one of the ventilation spots . I usually only water like maybe every other day if that , mainly when the soil only has a little bit of moisture in it


Well-Known Member
I grow hydro, my experience in soil sucked harder than a dyson! Is she the only one that is slow? Or are they all doing about the same?
Pot/planter size could be some issue, may be a bit too big too quickly. Not unable to be overcome. Not everytime, but maybe once every other week, I would flood her medium. When you keep all of the water/solution right there around her base, it limits her potential root growth. As I said I would not do it everytime, unless you are growing in coir and perlite(a.k.a. promix) and flood to waste is your method, But break the surface tension on that dry soil.


New Member
they’re all doing slow , the youngest one sprouted with pearlite on her and the first leaf absorbed it and the leaf curled up but didn’t die . I think it’s the soil because I’ve seen growers like mr canucks use the 5 gal but I see them also water more , and use fabric pots so there could be many variables to why they’re stunted . And I’ll try that for sure , I’m going to let the soil dry up a bit in the center since I just watered . When I flood should I just water all around the pot just as saturated as I do the middle usually


New Member
My medium is definitely not up to par for sure , I’m positive if I got some living super soil or even coco coir would be way better


Well-Known Member
My medium is definitely not up to par for sure , I’m positive if I got some living super soil or even coco coir would be way better
Not easy to make living soil mate. Worth it if you can follow someone's recipe exactly how they do it but you gotta be precise.
The big up side is that you'll only have to feed water, don't need to ph anything.
The downside is, if you get it wrong it's extremely hard to fix.
Coco coir is the easiest way to get a good run imo.
You gotta ph adjust every feed and measure nutes every time but its hardly a drama for a small scale grow. Just make a big batch at a time. Stick a cheap airstone in it and it'll keep for 7-10 days no worries.
Get faster growth, bigger plants, can't over water them which is a big issue for soil growing.
And the big selling point is that if you get anything wrong you just flush it out and start again. Can blast the nutes out the pot in under a minuit and be left with a blank canvas again.
Major downside is it costs a lot more.

I'd do a bit of digging about if you want to get a better media.
There's ups and downs to every style of growing so gotta weigh them up with your bank balance, available time and what you can actually be bothered doing lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree, no transplant. Do you know someone with a fish tank? Plants love fish water, OH a pet store! The lack of speed and not knowing what is going on is why I switched to hydro. I've just popped my 2nd attempt at autos. It is not going well. I may need to try a different seed bank. Out of 6 so far only 2 have germinated and one of them isn't looking well. So I'm still learning as well.


Well-Known Member
I agree, no transplant. Do you know someone with a fish tank? Plants love fish water, OH a pet store! The lack of speed and not knowing what is going on is why I switched to hydro. I've just popped my 2nd attempt at autos. It is not going well. I may need to try a different seed bank. Out of 6 so far only 2 have germinated and one of them isn't looking well. So I'm still learning as well.
Give me a tag @EvilScotsm@n like that in your thread mate and I'll come have a look. Got 2 hours to kill before the Bairn gets up so might aswell make myself semi use full lol.


Well-Known Member
You said "pretty warm". Can you check the actual temp and humidity? Attach pictures of all plants/ your set up? Is there a fan? An exchange of fresh air? That one just might be a stunted bean.


Well-Known Member
Give me a tag @EvilScotsm@n like that in your thread mate and I'll come have a look. Got 2 hours to kill before the Bairn gets up so might aswell make myself semi use full lol.
That's funny! My wife and I were just discussing that word "bairn", literally last night. She's Irish and I'm a Scot by heritage, Americans by birth. We both wish we could get back to the isles.