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  1. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    for the size of my plants i bet every bit of my 200 gallon is filled with roots thats why im going 400 next year to see the difference between them. and to answer your question i'd have to say if that plant i showed you earlier could put off a oz in a 1 gallon contain with premium mix in that...
  2. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    5 weeks she should have anywhere from 4-6 sets i like to get her on the 5th set
  3. polaroid93

    This year so far...

    i top at bout 5 weeks old that split it to a devils horn. while the new topped growth is stunted the lower node growth has exploded. by the time the lower growth reaches the topped portion (the topd portion)will have started back its growth so everything is bout even then i lst them all going...
  4. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    this pic was supposed to be in last message but i top only once then bury the whole thing except any node site then let it grow up people say more roots more fruits i just took it and ran with it, one of these days ill figure out exactly how to low stress train her effeciently for what i do but...
  5. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    my dude this is a stalk and on the scale of things this is small. what to add..... i got mylist round here some where when i find it ill snap a pic an post it for ya too much to remember to start right now by buying any organic products from wal mart cuz its all on sale like a...
  6. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    these are this year grow last time i seen her i would guess the dry weight to be at a pound but i could be off still got a lil more than 4 weeks to go tho. thats all of my pics of different plants cuz for years i was so paranoid i didnt even take a vehicle i took a bike or walked dogs to my site...
  7. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    this one here imma show you because of what it went through last year i gave this to a buddy in a gallon container, i just so happen up on this same plant in a sandpit in the same gallon container, i call to make sure it was the same it was and he gave it back cuz he forgot about it but this...
  8. polaroid93

    Severe plant issue

    moisture meters are a iffy subject some are great some are bad but never live by them fully only use it as a estimatation. i thought there was the claw in there but the more i study the picture it hit me its canoeing more than clawing, maybe i havent seen the claw you talking about tho... but if...
  9. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    good lord that first pic looks like you finely chopped glass and sprinkled it on i like that ... the good thing about your harvest this go round is you might not have/get massive buds but the buds you do have will be be packed with every bit of the thc limit that your genetics will allow. and...
  10. polaroid93

    Severe plant issue

    i'd have to say with the leaves curled and the brown spot stuff looks like manganese def or a magnesium def maybe even a combo have you tried epsom salt. if not i would clip affected areas off {if it aint too many} and mix epsom salt with warm water then let water sit in shade till afternoon...
  11. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    off my notes you have a potassium problem and maybe but probably not zinc based off provided pics zinc because the over all appearence is dull and potassium because yellowing of leaves but viens remained green, what i mean bout the zinc is look at the top half of yours and look at my cluster...
  12. polaroid93

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    ive seen that defecience before just forgot at the moment when i get home from work ill look through my notes and let u know something. it def needs some nitrogen id get some kelp meal 9.00$-wal-mart, epsoma bloom booster $5.00-wal-mart and unsulphered molasses $3.00 walmart....if you can fork...
  13. polaroid93

    What's my best option for buying water?

    hell man find a friend with better tap water drive over there fill up enough water then bring back home set out in sun bam free water i consider this your second to last option
  14. polaroid93

    Am i getting a nitrogen deficiency? (with pictures)

    ive tried the piss method before on veg stage plants its just not effective like a FF especially when i got probably the next ten years worth stored away from the outta season sales goin on. i just dont really like the idea of pee food tbh and i didnt see any pictures of the plant at first...
  15. polaroid93

    Am i getting a nitrogen deficiency? (with pictures)

    piss is only good for bug/pest prevention and even then its 1 part piss to 30 parts water but i wouldnt want piss on or in a flowering plant.a quick fix is to make a foliar spray made up of very low dose of fish fert and water but its a flowering plant, leaves are gonna die off thats just what...
  16. polaroid93

    What's my best option for buying water?

    id say spring water but i also havent tried distilled yet tho because where im at it rains near about every week or two weeks so mother nature been good to me this grow season. i wouldnt even consider tap water unless you set it out in the sun and let the chlorine evaporate out, every now and...
  17. polaroid93

    should I start adding nutes?

    ...I've never tried indoor nor have I tried pro mix( or a soil-less mix) before so I'm not 100% sure but fish fert with some type of mineral/rock dust mix with water shouldn't hurt anything. If u want start out with just the dust and water see how thangs work out then toss in the fish fert...
  18. polaroid93

    How does she look? first time growing outside

    I bet if u dig a hole for it since it's in a 10 gallon pot ( doing amazing btw) it would really take off and increase ur harvest tremendously.
  19. polaroid93

    This year so far...

    200 gallon homemade built smartpot...Amendments used; kelp meal ,blood meal , bulb meal , composted chicken,horse,rabbit manure, bone meal, EWC, garden tone, rose fert spikes.... used EWC aerated compost tea and when time to water ( veg stage) aloe vera juice , fish fert and mineral dust or...
  20. polaroid93

    Trim or leave??

    U could trim if you wanted, u might get a little something out of it but not worth it tbh.... if you wanting to increase your yield try spacing the branches out ( might need stake or something). It does what your wanting increasing light to the whole plant or more of it anyways So you get more...