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  1. N

    first time noob needs help

    ok now fir3drag thts wht im tlkin bout thnks
  2. N

    first time noob needs help

    yea but sadly I dont
  3. N

    first time noob needs help

    and does it matter if I choose potting soil or top soil which do I need
  4. N

    first time noob needs help

    fox farm nutes are 50 buck a piece I cant afford that I know there are some cheaper brands than everyones favorite FOXFARM! and I live in a small twn were weed is not even legal I don't have a hydro shop anywhere around
  5. N

    first time noob needs help

    haha thank jesus guy
  6. N

    first time noob needs help

    ok I potted and planted my seeds they are about a week old so far and doing great only question I have is I bought MG orchid potting mix and it say that it feeds for up to six months does this mean that I will not need nutes? if not where exactly can I buy good cheap nutes
  7. N

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    if you think there to small to put into dwc put go get your self a bag of soil and pot them in it asap im telling you I had the same probs I say you just kip the dwc and just grow straight with soil dawg honesly
  8. N

    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    put them in soil asap befor they die I had the same prob I tried rockwool then my growth stunted just like this but when I planted them in soil they shot up its the rockwool dude just plant them in soil or dwc asap
  9. N

    my first GROW PLZZ HELP

    I know im a noob fck head that's why im asking questions
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    newbie, questions, abou,t veg, plzz help

    ok but it sounded like you were being a smart ass sorry if I came off wrong but I really appreciate the help
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    newbie, questions, abou,t veg, plzz help

    good looking out turnm thanks for the fast reply
  12. N

    newbie, questions, abou,t veg, plzz help

    ok so I have two plants that are about 2 inches tall, this is my first grow and I have done tons and tons of research I plan on vegging for about a month or so the switching to 12/12 for flowering but I have a question that may sound stupid but im serious .,as I said my plants are now abt 2...
  13. N

    my first GROW PLZZ HELP

    ok one more question. all I have after my cups is like 3-4 really big pots im guessing like 5-7 gallons something like that,basicly to big for a seedling is it ok if I fill that halfway for my seedling ,then fill the rest of the way and repot when its big enough?
  14. N

    my first GROW PLZZ HELP

    so far I have two that have sprouted, and about 5-6 more germinating after they get so tall that my neighbors can look at them and tell is a weed plant I am going to start growing them inside will this turn them hermie? and what is so bad about hermies because as far as I know they just grow...
  15. N

    my first GROW PLZZ HELP

    yea I know I wont get a big yield im not really trying to either, because I don't have 250 dollars for a fckin grow light that's ridiculous, but like I said im just testing it out with the cheap materials I have. we will see how they come out I don't even care if I get popcorn buds for...
  16. N

    my first GROW PLZZ HELP

    ok im doing my first grown and if you have any tips for me plz let me know I have a few questions that need answered also first off I just germinated two seeds they have sprouted out of the soil is it ok to put them both in the same cup and if yes when should I separate them I also have them in...