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  1. only1realhigh

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    okay I am understanding more, and always assume white was neutral in the home, need to check this out for sure. I will do a continuity check from solder point to heat sink, 256 of them to check, but I would rather be sure than burn up an LED. I will also check the timer to see what side of...
  2. only1realhigh

    DIY led grow

    Pos, getting lost chasing threads, referring to my dimming issue, after re downloading data sheets I got the 3 methods and graphs, dah.......... I made sense of it. It is a 1k ohm 1/4 watt resistor used with a 10k pot, graph shows it starting out at 100% and as you turn the pot clockwise it...
  3. only1realhigh

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    correcting the switch set up to the hot line. Each driver does have a ground lead along with neutral and hot, all connected properly. I do understand your point about grounding the heat sink, all are screwed together, so a solid ground connection should ground the entire tower. I will do a...
  4. only1realhigh

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Supra, you mentioned that one should use the black (hot) when running a ON/OFF switch, and not the N white, is the for the same reason why a timmer may keep LED's on( as the timmer cuts on/off the white wire of AC input) I have to ask as I did use the neutral (white) thru my switch's, and if...
  5. only1realhigh

    PWM LED dimmer question ( electronics )

    I wonder what I did, the data sheet I downloaded originally only showed the slide dimmer, diagram 1. This same diagram is listed in the other driver's data sheet. Maybe things got updated and I will check each driver's data again. I do say my head is spinning, around and around, but it has to...
  6. only1realhigh

    PWM LED dimmer question ( electronics )

    To new to LED's to figure all this out, but I see sds is knowledgeable about things. Here is the link to one of my drivers. 2nd to last page will show the dimming circuit, at least what they show. I used 10k...
  7. only1realhigh

    DIY led grow

    Now that is some fine looking bud positivity. I can really get into growing that for sure, darn my mouth is watering and my nose is itching already, LOL I
  8. only1realhigh

    DIY LED tower This is the link for the blues, but the other driver data sheets show the same info and words involving the dimmer. The dimming info is on the 2nd to last page. I need to correct myself.....there is 623 watts...
  9. only1realhigh

    DIY LED tower

    this is pic of the system when I used a 400watt HPS inside a pyrex tube, plants grow and trained on the outside of the screen and I poked the bud sites inward starting about the 7 day into flowering stage. Now it will be with the LED tower.
  10. only1realhigh

    DIY LED tower

    I did see that horizontal design after I started this project. The tower stands vertical on top of a DWC tub that has a frame work to hold a screen that is 2 ft tall by 6 ft long. 3 plant site grow that covers 12sq ft of vertical SCROC area. Mr. Flux, yes I have powered it up. Each driver...
  11. only1realhigh

    DIY LED tower

    I forgot this part, my grow area is only 42" wide x 37" deep x say 60" tall. A cabinet in the garage with a upper shelf that is where the drivers are mounted. There are 2 negative wire harness and 2 positive wire harness that go up to the driver's. My idea is that I keep the heat of the drivers...
  12. only1realhigh

    DIY LED tower

    I am new to this site, been a indoor grower since 1/1/1999, and only recently I switched from HPS to LED lighting. Heat issues on my grow system made me think of LED rather than a 400w HPS lamp that I originally used. This is a octagon made with heat sink that is 1/4" think with 1" cooling...
  13. only1realhigh

    good day stardustsailor, positivity informed me of this site and a few members that maybe able...

    good day stardustsailor, positivity informed me of this site and a few members that maybe able to help me. I am a first time LED user, built my own unique system, trying to use pot's for dimming control.
  14. only1realhigh

    DIY led grow

    Good day POS, I finally got into and registered here. I sure wish I had found all this information before I got started on my project. A nice load of information for sure, but you gave me a lot of help and still giving, thanks so much for your kindness.
  15. only1realhigh

    Retired USAF since 1983, started medical usage in 1998, used HID in a box in a closet, than in a...

    Retired USAF since 1983, started medical usage in 1998, used HID in a box in a closet, than in a tent, than in a room.