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  1. SikSol

    Redneck bathroom grow~~~!!!

    So I'am at it again... throwing in some hardcore redneck engineering with this grow. Also I just like to show newbie's out there that you can have a fairly nice grow setup for not alot of money at all. Setup: I have it all rig'd in a spare bathroom, tub makes for good white reflective walls...
  2. SikSol

    Bump If You're Baked!

    its 2:52am and I cant go to sleep so I ditched the vape and resorted to some bag seed and my trusty bong to help me along!
  3. SikSol

    Nute Burn, FUCK MIRACLE GROW!!! help me fix this

    Wow for one you suck at picking out what MG soil to use if you do resort to using MG, should have just went to walmart or wherever and got MG moisture control potting mix and been done with it. MG perlite was a big no no too... Just get most of what you can off with out damaging the roots and...
  4. SikSol

    when will my seed finally come out of the soil? its already germinated

    I just put 3 easy ryders and 3 diesel ryders down a half inch to an inch in Miracle grow moisture control soil and the easy ryders pop'd through the surface in less than 24hrs the diesel's pop'd through within 48 hours. Not typical of my previous grows though. I credit the fast growth to good...
  5. SikSol

    Police raid!!!!.... Ohh ShITTT!!! lol

    lmao i wish 6-7, pics are a little decieving it was a emergency quick chop and trim after moving it to another house. Im guessing around 2 dry'd. Once things cool down I will start my next grow in hempy buckets with Easy Ryder, Diesel Ryder, sour cream, motavation, and warlock.
  6. SikSol

    Emergency Harvest!

    I sound like a moron? Making an asumption like that based on what little info you recieved in my post makes you the moron to be honest. The way things work around here especially when your neighbor that was busted knows you grow as well and could easily try and roll on you to help himself out...
  7. SikSol

    Emergency Harvest!

    So police raided neighbors house and was walking k9's over by my place got paranoid and chopped my one plant down about 2-3 weeks early.. still worth keeping tried a sample and smokes pretty well would liked to seen it fully ripe. Anyways here is what I got off my one plant under 400w hps any...
  8. SikSol

    Police raid!!!!.... Ohh ShITTT!!! lol

    Ok so first off, like 80% of the people that live on my road grow, smoke, or deal in some fashion or another. Just a bunch of us rednecks out here in a holler. So Im on my way home from fishing when the wife blows up the phone. I answer and she's pretty upset says there tons of cops and dogs...
  9. SikSol

    About to chop ???

    Yeah I've tried the homemade soap and water thing as of late because I didnt want to use anything to harsh this close to harvest. Probably not gonna mess with it to much though Pretty sure she will live till harvest time just fine as I've seemed to at least slow them down. Tried a few samples...
  10. SikSol

    About to chop ???

    Thinking these are getting pretty close to chopping time thank god too cuz Im loosing the battle with the spider mites and other little bugs with it. Im thinking another 2 weeks at most maybe? Most the hairs are starting to turn now or already have. Also any ideas on possible yeild? ( hate to...
  11. SikSol

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    Havnt updated in a long time but its about chopping time!!!
  12. SikSol

    Bag seed infoor cfl to outdoor finish

    they look great, for sure more on the sativa side. The start of budding outdoors can very greatly. I had some plants outside and they started flowering in May because they was so heavily shaded. If they get good steady sunlight for most of the day you could expect flowering to start around late...
  13. SikSol

    Oil Spill Or Underwater Volcanic Eruption... Henning Kemner's View

    I probably got a bit carried away with that lol, it could have made cool little conspiracy theory if it wasnt able to be debunked so easily. I love a good one just as much as the next person but that one was a bit of a stretch.
  14. SikSol

    Oil Spill Or Underwater Volcanic Eruption... Henning Kemner's View

    ..... and if you want to be like, but its not black its brown or almost red and what about gas, sulfur etc.... "Crude oil doesn't always look the same – it depends where it comes from. Sometimes it is almost colourless, or it can be thick and black. But crude oil usually looks like thin...
  15. SikSol

    Oil Spill Or Underwater Volcanic Eruption... Henning Kemner's View

    If you know anything about the oil industry and how they go about finding their drill locations and testing the wells you would know there is no way in hell its a volcano. If it was a volcano they would have one either hit a magma chamber or two a gas pocket. If it was a magma chamber obviously...
  16. SikSol

    Oil Spill Or Underwater Volcanic Eruption... Henning Kemner's View

    Wow I just got dumber listening to this guy.... he is without a doubt a fuckin moron LOL
  17. SikSol

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    Also who thinks I should keep them inside under the 400w, and who thinks they should go outside under the sun? I dont have a great spot for them outside they would get mostly indirect sunlight and a lil bit of direct sunlight.
  18. SikSol

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    Some updated pics, not much...
  19. SikSol

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    LmaO, yeah curious to see how the buds come out. I think the one is gonna have just a crazy huge main bud.