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  1. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Thank you again for your time. I really value your input as it's been spot on to date. So 1ml of bud storm per gallon from week 3 of flower should be fine? Because we don't know what else is in it would you suggest another way of just increasing the P? Also just to confirm should it be 0.5g of...
  2. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    1/4 tsp would be 1 gram per gallon? I'm really happy with how they are looking a week on. Hoping that is the last of my drama for this lot and I can enjoy watching them grow for the last 4 or so week :)
  3. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Plant 2 Photos taken just now. Needed sun light to show true colours. The coco finally got dry enough last night so these photos are the morning after a good drink after 5 days of drying out. One thing I've noticed on both is the fan leafs used to have purple stems but they seem to be going back...
  4. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Plant 1 Photos taken just now. Needed sun light to show true colours. The coco finally got dry enough last night so these photos are the morning after a good drink after 5 days of drying out. One thing I've noticed on both is the fan leafs used to have purple stems but they seem to be going back...
  5. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Yeah thats what I was thinking as well. I've also ordered an EC ppm pen. I think this is the kind of tool i shouldn't be without. Hopefully I get that next week.
  6. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    So far so good I think. Since the flush on both plants 4 days ago I have not needed to water them at all. Even now the coco is just starting to dry off at the top but probably another day or two before I'll need to water. Plant health wise. They are looking pretty good. Week 5 of flowering...
  7. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Situation update. This morning I decided to give another plain flush and pH is now reading between 5.5-6. I believe this is a good sign. After reading all the extra posts I'm inclined to make up a 20L/5.8Gal mix of the CMX/BLOOM/Epsom and give it one last flush to reset the balance. I guess my...
  8. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Wow great info from both of you. first off, thank you for your time so far. This has been a bloody good learning experience and no doubt if my buddies make it through the next 6 weeks it will be very much because of your time and help. I just purchased some new items to help with feeding and...
  9. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    After reading over OldMedUser's chart I picked up on another issue that may be causing all of this and judging from your comment I may have made a big noob mistake. I've been feeding to the point of slight run off and stopping. So in the last 8-12 weeks of life that these two plants have had...
  10. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Thanks for the reply and image. You have given me hope! I shot down to the supermarket now and got some epsom salts. fingers crossed! :)
  11. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    sorry yeah should have mentioned. The mutation is because both of these clones got into a 12/12 rotation for a week and than ended up back in beg for a month. They have been producing weird leafs since. All new growth is back to normal now since its been in flowering for 4 weeks. I just got...
  12. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Would they be visible on the plant? Besides the aphids I killed off a couple of weeks ago i've not seen anything moving or out of place.
  13. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Bump just in case someone knows whats happening to my little buddies.
  14. H

    Could use some help to pin this problem down

    Run down... 2 plants under 250w HPS in coco. I'm feeding Flairform Bloom(4ml/L) and Flairform CMX (0.5mls/L) and every second watering is just plain pH'd water. So based on my feeding I don't see how it could be nute burn as I'm on the lower end of both additives and then i'm only feeding them...
  15. H

    Wilting or something else?

    What kind of circulation do you have. Curled leafs could be a sign of too much heat. CFL's don't normally cause a problem but if you have enough in a small space it might.
  16. H

    She's sick

    Not outside but in a garden shed. Lights keep it nice and warm during the day. Once the lights go off the heat slowly drops to the outside temp. between the tent and shed it takes about 6-7 hours before the tent temp matches the outside temp. leaving only 5-6 hours at the lower temp of 55F.
  17. H

    She's sick

    My plant goes from 77F day to 55F during the night. At first I was worried about this change but the more I read the more it seems the plant likes a cooler night. It seems as long as it's above 50F it should be fine. But my plant is an indica though and I think they handle the cold a little...
  18. H

    She's sick

    Not sure if this is the case as I'm still a noob to this whole game but from last nights reading this issue sounds like a copper issue. ie your plant isn't getting enough. It generally affects the leafs directly under the light first. This is the list of symptoms Cannabis Copper Deficiency...
  19. H

    5th week of flowering not sure what this problem is.

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll cut the molasses back I think. I read it was a good way to add basic sugars and stopped researching at that point but the over feeding could and is probably coming from the molasses as it has a lot of CalMag and Iron in it that I didn't realise. I'm feeling a...
  20. H

    5th week of flowering not sure what this problem is.

    Take 2. I've taken photos with my HPS light off because in my haste I missed that very simple rule posted at the top in my first thread. (Thank you to the moderator for deleting on my request so I could do it right) So these spots have been around for a couple of weeks. They were only on one or...