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  1. NotSoGreenThumb

    Is something wrong?

    Sorry maybe I should have added a few details. First grow here in coco. The dark spots on the ends of the starter leaves are concerning. Maybe they shouldn't be? The new growth is SUPER slow and a purple color that my camera didnt pick up.
  2. NotSoGreenThumb

    Is something wrong?

    Ill let the pictures do the talking.
  3. NotSoGreenThumb

    Floranova help.

    Thanks, Jugz! I'm diggin' your youtube journal man. Subbed. That GSC in the back looks so fucking frosty!
  4. NotSoGreenThumb

    Floranova help.

  5. NotSoGreenThumb

    Floranova help.

    Hi everyone, I'm using the floranava nutes. My seedlings are 5 days old. I'm growing in coco. A few questions. When feeding my seedlings do I saturate all of the coco or just water around the seedling for now to save nutes? Also can I have a mixed batch of the floranova grow in say a 2 or 5...
  6. NotSoGreenThumb

    Grow tent ventilation advice needed.

    Late reply but thank you thank you! :clap: Took your guys' advise and the 6" is perfect!
  7. NotSoGreenThumb

    Grow tent ventilation advice needed.

    Hey everyone! I'm no stranger to Rollitup but this will be my first post. I am setting up a 40" x 40" x 78" tent with 600w cooltube MH/HPS. I am most concerned about the sound/smell of this grow and would like to keep it to a minimum. I am stuck on what type of fan/filter to go with. I...