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  1. G

    Is it Male?

    Can someone tell?
  2. G


    :sad: Any one want to confirm
  3. G

    9 week old Blueberry advice needed

    I've been using basic supplies and general purpose nutes. I started with papertowel method germ 5/5 sprouted, then placed the seedlings in peat pellets for about 10 days then placed those in coconut fibre cups for about 10 more days then to 1 litre pails. I used a general purpose peat blend...
  4. G

    9 week old Blueberry advice needed

    Thanks Sam Yours definately are nice looking bushes:-)
  5. G

    9 week old Blueberry advice needed

    I have noticed the light green but I didn't want to give them too much nute...I read that you can always add but you can't take away.
  6. G

    9 week old Blueberry advice needed

    Thanks T2T I read that the large leaves hogged nutes and light and were expendable. GD
  7. G

    9 week old Blueberry advice needed

    From the photos, can anyone advise if my BB's are ready for the flowering phase. The short one is 14" and the tall is 20" at 9weeks in vege state. Main stems are pencil thickness or greater and plants are healthy with no setbacks to date. I have been trimming the large leaves. GD