9 week old Blueberry advice needed

From the photos, can anyone advise if my BB's are ready for the flowering phase.

The short one is 14" and the tall is 20" at 9weeks in vege state. Main stems are pencil thickness or greater and plants are healthy with no setbacks to date.

I have been trimming the large leaves.




Well-Known Member
Dont ever trim your leaves. Thats like taking solar panels off your roof and wondering why you have less free energy.

Yes they are ready to flower. Good luck and have fun!:weed:


Well-Known Member

i have some experience with Blueberry not much but some lol ive grown it twice and am currently growing 9 clones of blueberry.

heres a pic of my vegging blueberry im gonna veg them another 2 weeks then flower. I dont remove any fan leaves it stunts the growth as you can see from the difference of my untouched vegging bb to yours.

but the answer to your question i would say they are ok to flower they look big enough to me.


Well-Known Member
Your blue berrys look a little hungry. Make sure you give them some N when flowering. You didnt notice the light green?


Well-Known Member
Thanks T2T

I read that the large leaves hogged nutes and light and were expendable.

you can see the difference tho can you not mine are about the same age too.

i thought the same about the large fan leaves until i done some serious research.

but then again people still do it and get decent yields, but if you ask any of the pros on here they will say it a big NO NO.
I have noticed the light green but I didn't want to give them too much nute...I read that you can always add but you can't take away.


Well-Known Member
what light, nutes, and growing medium are you using Gdream?

and your right m8 you can always giv em more nutes alot harder if you had given them too much.

i think they still look like nice plants and you should get a good yield.


Well-Known Member
dont get rid of BIG fan leaves. If you're going to then only do it on th bottom couple nodes. it looks like you're doing a kinda lollipop thing. Removing a couple that are shading a ton of shit isnt bad. Other than the bottom KEEP your BIG fan leaves or it will eventually start to hinder.


do they get any bigger than that? how much does it smell and how much do you think the plant will yield? Also how often do you water it and what kind of dirt do you use? ur plants look good
have you allready topped your plants if so i would put them in 10 liter pots cus they root loads and then i would flower them i have 10 on at min all bb


Well-Known Member
i have some blueberry in hempy buckets bout the same age.was your from a seed?i feed mine sensi grow a+b from advanced nutrients, it still has a little of the light green on top but it has a little nute burn down low so i just gave them 200ppm of miracle gro liquafeed its 12-4-8 maybe the high n2 and low ppm will help?


I've been using basic supplies and general purpose nutes. I started with papertowel method germ 5/5 sprouted, then placed the seedlings in peat pellets for about 10 days then placed those in coconut fibre cups for about 10 more days then to 1 litre pails.

I used a general purpose peat blend soil from the local garden shop and mixed it 3/4-1/8-1/8 soil-sand-vermiculite. $10

I water 200ml-400ml per plant when dry or at least 5 times/week and fertilize with 24-8-16 all purpose water soluable diluted solution. (I'll increase nute frequency next time) $1

Total cost $146 or less and I hope to get 2/5 females so maybe 6oz...I hope.

One more question, should I transplant to 10l pails and wait to flower or transplant and flower.

Thanks for all the excellent advice.

I have a 2'x2'x5' homemade greenhouse ($20) and 2 CFL's in brood hoods and 1 4' T5 fl tube totalling about 5000 lumens 19hr/5hr. $50

Electricity cost is about $15/mth. Misc supplies $5


Well-Known Member
blueberry likes lots of root space so ive read n heard my BBs i got 6.5oz each of and the one in the previous post that yielded 5oz both of them were flowered in 25ltr pots.

ive just potted 7 of my clones into 15ltr pots would have gone 25ltr again but aint got the space.