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  1. S

    yeah ive been growing blowfish for a couple years now and i was wondering if anyone else has the...

    yeah ive been growing blowfish for a couple years now and i was wondering if anyone else has the strain.. if so does your plant have weird markings on the leafs?
  2. S

    questions please help.

    what the hell are you using for soil??
  3. S

    flowering - lower leaves yellowing

    plant need nitrogen all through there life they just need it more heavy in veg.. dont stop feed nitrogen in bloom or thatll happen
  4. S

    broken lower branches

    it dont matter what you cut the end its just a weed. they like stress to a sertain point. u probly didnt even need those braches on the bottomcause once they grow most of the bottom dont get enough light to mkae it worth keeping
  5. S

    rootbound?? pics, help!!

    If you dont have a carbon air filter which u will need one asap. get one that will keep your r/h down
  6. S

    please help plant yellowing/browning ?? (pics)

    I believe you need more nitrogen if your big leaves are yellowing..
  7. S

    why its falling like this

    Uhh thats a male.. and you might want to do a lil research and do it right and make your reward worth the risk.....
  8. S

    how much yeild did I lose by not topping

    you cant grow a top out and then say thats how much you lose when you top it...... if it was topped/fim'd it would have 2-8 about the same size...
  9. S

    how much yield?

    always shoot low never get your expectations high shoot for 4..