please help plant yellowing/browning ?? (pics)


Well-Known Member
well i just ended my first grow which came out perfect and i have had these babies in vegg for almost a month now and these problems started accoruing i have been doing everything the same as last grow and i dont know wats wrong

i did however not give them nutes untill like 5 days ago .

these problems cam about at 2 1/2 weeks old ..

i dont think it has gotten worse but could that have been the problem is not giving her nutes????



Well-Known Member
anyone ???

i water when ever soil is dry 3 -5 inches down

so like once every 2 or 3 days


Well-Known Member
no one helps out anymore :(

Would you rather have a bunch of posts giving you bad info? Maybe the people who looked wasn't really sure whats wrong and didn't wanna stear you the wrong way, we are all here to help when and where we can. To be honest it looks like you might of had fluxuations in your PH, do you test the runoff PH? If so what is it? Dont really look like over nute and its not lack of IMO.

Edit: LMAO dude your posts are all within a half hour, you have to calm down a bit give it a couple hours instead of 10 minutes or so (not trying to sound rude by that but seriously lol)


Well-Known Member
Might want to adjust it so the runoff is closer to 6.5'ish that may be the problem, alot of ppl recommend to have the PH between 6.5-7.0 but at 6.5 the plant gets the proper iron intake it needs. Hope it helps mate :)


Well-Known Member
thanks i will try it out although i have not seen any recent problems i hope they will be ok apreciate the help