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  1. B

    20 lbs of co2 in13 days??

    get a real co2 controller instead of one of those bull shit bubble units
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    Please help

    plants are starving . no joke.
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    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    keep in mind you will need to redo the water every 7 days . this size room i would suggest 15 gallons. this is a educated guess what i would use . if this unit is not sealed up well you lose the co2 . and if you buy a burner keep in mind the room has to be very well sealed or the...
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    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    i use next gen . very good quality . there is a newer brand out there i am scared to try . blue print . there electronics look like cheap units . i would not trust them for any safety .
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    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    if your looking into co2 controller . in my opinion buy it from auto pilot best money can buy. steer clear of titan controls . my opinion trash . had a controller freeze up kept the burner light all night .the next day still running the co2 the controls froze and said like 600ppm and...
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    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    ok if your doing this for personal use . then just use the sugar and yeast method . yeast is very cheap at any gordon food store its like 10 bucks for 2 pounds of yeast . if your a commercial grower then dont be cheap buy a burner with controller. making co2 with sugar in a...
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    Quick Fan Question

    its also good to have a small fan moving back and forth over the plants . have to run it 24/7 to prevent molds and circulate the air .
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    Has my girl turned into a hermie?

    can you get us a better pic of the very first picture ? not of the entire plant but of the possible sacks
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    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    can make your own co2 . as well . 0ne 5 pound bag of sugar . 1 large bag of active yeast . 5 gallons of water it will get your co2 up in a 10/10 area to 2000 ppm . large then add more buckets . i did 25 gallons before lol entire room 40/40 the ppm were well over 2000 ppm lasts 7...
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    just for comparison.

    why not run them 24/7 ? 4 hours off will not make a difference
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    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    i use a heater . one of these off a natural gas line . put...
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    Please help

    that plant needs some nitrogen . mix of nutrients asap
  13. B

    Krazy grow room design

    so you only have a 5/5 area . sorry to hear . best to just plant your beans your 10 tomato plants and they usually pull more from bean any ways . some thing to think about . if you can keep it cool . add another light this will allow you to pull more . 2 600 watt hps ! have to be air...
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    Krazy grow room design

    fuck it man . turn your garage or basement or a bedroom into your rooms .
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    Krazy grow room design

    well then its time to step up to having a mother plant or more then 1 mother . and you will be harvesting every week or 2 week or all at once up to you and your room space . best to have more then 1 light so you can pull weekly less work for you not at all once . dont dream make it happen...
  16. B

    I bet that you guys have never seen a variant clone like this!

    i am wondering how these plants turned out . i dont care if people think i am full of shit all i can do is answer with what i have seen happen in my room before. and besides if you knew me you would know i am full of shit lol .
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    Krazy grow room design

    .do i think dwc will speed your progress up . no i don,t beans to plants to flower takes for ever , want to speed it up have to get a mother plant or more plants or have somebody grow your clones for you or find a different location to keep your mother plants 1 more tent . . idk what your...