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  1. K

    another year same sad

    What sort is more mold resistant??? i don't have an idea... :(
  2. K

    another year same sad

    DO you think that i can prevent the fungus (next year) by using sulfur like they do on vine plants to prevent deseases or other things... I thought using sulfur a few weeks after planting plants or clones outside... THIS HELPS WITH VINE and prevents deseases... I live near italy so we have...
  3. K

    another year same sad

    Hay guys... I have a big problem for the second year in a row... till now my plants grow up normally, but few weeks before flowering they started to get some dark purple spots and slowly dieing... Can it be the humid area... I used common soil mixed with special flower soil like other, this...
  4. K

    marijuana problem...

    i'm new at this so... why do we need soda... why the dish soap
  5. K

    marijuana problem...

    a friend told me that he gives some sprite (becouse ot the CO2) to the plants - 1,5liter of sprite mixed with 80l of water....could that help
  6. K

    marijuana problem...

    isn't neem oil for humans (i read an article...) i will ty to found this oil... i hope to find the solution
  7. K

    marijuana problem...

    There are some holes in the leafs... the stem is ok, but last year i noticed something when we pulled out the plants that there was a hle in the middle of the stem (the inner part of the stem which can be only seen when cut down... The problem now occures only 1 plant but i'm worried for the...
  8. K

    marijuana problem...

    They have at least 7 hours of direct sun... The soil in the hole is for the flowers and around is the common soil (i haven't mesured the ph of the soil)... There are some grasshoppers (black and green ones), last year some parts of the plant turned purple and then the plant started to dry... I...
  9. K

    marijuana problem...

    I have a bigger problem... my plants grow O.K., but i think that they will die like the past year because of a fuc*** unknown problem (see in the picture) i can't solve it... What can I do... The leaves are ok, but the plant is turning brown...