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  1. Dota

    Please!! Need help before my plant gets sicker

    My Bad - deficiency information came from:
  2. Dota

    Please!! Need help before my plant gets sicker

    Alright - I've been going through some of my old notes, and I have a few different theories / suggestions. First Theory: Magnesium deficiency; Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be...
  3. Dota

    Curled Dry, Crusty Leaves, Need HELP

    During the vegetative process in soil I only water right before my plants are dry. It provides more oxygen to the medium in order for the roots to penetrate deeper, faster, stronger. I would say in cups that small you are watering way too much. When my babies are under T5s in small cups like...
  4. Dota

    Clone yellowing issue

    Go to your local hydroponics store and pick up Advanced Nutrients GROW part A & Part B. It will run you about $30 total - but you can hang onto that puppy for a long time. Give your plants about 300 ppm to start out with - that will take care of the immediate N deficiency. The larger...
  5. Dota

    Please!! Need help before my plant gets sicker

    Hey brother - No worries, we will get your bitches back up to full health. Couple of questions while I look up some things: 1) What type of soil did you mix up? 2) What type of nutes are you using / what PPMs you running (if you don't know PPMs - what measurements)? 3) What PH are you tuning...
  6. Dota

    Curled Dry, Crusty Leaves, Need HELP

    I have a couple questions for you: 1) Do you have drainage in the bottom of those cups? 2) How long have those plants been in their pots? 3) Are you watering every other day because they need it or because you think that's what you should do? The green color of your plants doesn't seem to...
  7. Dota

    Clone yellowing issue

    Looks like a N deficiency to me. Are you looking to stay all organic in this grow - or are you willing to use synthetic fertilizers? Nitrogen Deficiencies Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older...
  8. Dota

    When to cut clones

    I usually like to let my plants veg for at least 6 weeks to 2 months before I take cuttings. Your plant needs to develop fully before you start redirecting hormone flows that cutting up your plants cause. I usually wait until there are 6+ nodes of growth. Make sure your mother is at optimum...
  9. Dota

    newly cut clones drooping, rockwool, pics, + rep!

    Sick maing - glad the bitches are looking better. I have done a lot of experiments with rooting, and the best combo I have found is: 1 gallon of H20 2 ml Advanced Nutrients Jump Start 1 cap Advanced Nutrients B-52 Clonex as a rooting hormone Your system will obviously work well, and you can...
  10. Dota

    Please Help!, Babies are dying slowly, Help Diagnose,Yellowing Tips...PH?

    Concur with the diagnoses' but would like to emphasize - Get that PH down ASAP... Like yesterday. Your plants aren't clones anymore, and to sustain them - THEY NEED FOOD! Here is a great nute schedule from a great grower named hererisssh on another forum I belong to. Basic Veg Formula (1...
  11. Dota

    newly cut clones drooping, rockwool, pics, + rep!

    Sorry - I didn't read your original post very well - super high right now... Don't dip your clones in rubbing alcohol - use water - for sure. Water seems to be your problem here... Make sure the rw is damp - but don't spray anymore. Give them a day or 2, make sure they are never dry - but I...
  12. Dota

    newly cut clones drooping, rockwool, pics, + rep!

    It's not a problem of the clones having too much vegetation on them. I have cut clones much larger... Couple of questions: 1) What type of hormone did you use? 2) Did you PH the H20 before you soaked rw? 3) How often are you spraying/watering? My suspicion - they look water logged. I would...
  13. Dota

    leaf edges are yellowing

    Hey sorry I didn't get back to you bro - been in South America the last couple weeks. Glad to hear that the flush worked - how are the babies doing on full strength nutes now? I always like to flush at least every 2 weeks for 1/2 day of watering. Training is always a great way to increase...
  14. Dota

    Clones are bronzing, new thing cant figure it out

    Was the lighting the problem? How are the bronzed leaves doin?
  15. Dota

    DWC Stadium Grow - Any suggestions?

    Specs: 5'x8'x8' Growing Area Lights: 2 x Lumitek Dual 600w 240v Digital Ballasts 4 x Hortilux Super HPS EN Bulbs (Hoodless / Non Cooltube) 1 x Dual Outlet Digital Timer Ventalation: 1x 6" Activated Carbon Filter / 6" GrowBright 424cfm Inline Fan 1 x Can-Fan 6" 440 c.f.m.Blower 4 x Pedestal...
  16. Dota

    leaf edges are yellowing

    Yeah - a day's flush should do the trick. However - get that water to 5.5 PH - bring it down baby. And also - you said that they had been at half nutes - go ahead and hit them with 3/4 the for the next 2 days, and then go up to full strength. Well before I say that - give me a run down on...
  17. Dota

    leaf edges are yellowing

    Nah dude - it's definitely salt build ups... Look at what he just said - he is on week 4 and he hasn't flushed yet... Before you experiment with ANY deficiencies - do a full flush first bro... These puppies need nothing but fresh H2O if you haven't flushed and you are already on week 4.
  18. Dota

    Thrips infestation - 12th week flowering...Options?????

    1) For the Flies: Before each of my grows I always line the walls, and the bottom of the show with fly paper. Most adult thrips are slender, minute (less than 1/20 inch long), and have long fringes on the margins of both pairs of their long, narrow wings. Immatures (called larvae or...
  19. Dota

    Basics list

    Very Informative...