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  1. C

    Do female plants need a male plant

    Yo guys I'm not much of an expert, but I'm pretty sure you can mate a female and female, which will produce feminised seeds. nvm didn't realize how old this thread was. That guy bumped it....
  2. C

    Fox Farm - Feeding Schedule Questions?

    OMG Thanks! Cleared up many questions :) +rep :clap:
  3. C

    Fox Farm - Feeding Schedule Questions?

    Thanks :) I'm a little confused:wall: on the feeding still :sad: Could you please explain it like Week 1 - 12: Feed Or Regular Water:?:
  4. C

    Fox Farm - Feeding Schedule Questions?

    I have Fox Farm Trio Pack, but can't figure out how much food to give. I've read numerous threads and they all say different things. My medium is soil btw. I've read this: Question 1: What is this talk about feeding 1/4 strength and 1/2 strength, and...
  5. C

    Fox Farm question

    Oh. So What are you guys using right now? For Soil and Nutes?
  6. C

    Fox Farm question

    So I should get those to ADD to the soil?
  7. C

    Fox Farm question

    Some Background: I live in New England. I'm planning to start a grow, but I'm creating a checklist so I can know how much I will be spending in advance. It will be an outdoor grow. This is going to be my second attempt at a grow. (last grow was fail) I've been reading mad, and absorbing...
  8. C

    Bug Problem Prevention???

    Some Background: I live in New England. I'm planning to start a grow, but I'm creating a checklist so I can know how much I will be spending in advance. It will be an outdoor grow. This is going to be my second attempt at a grow. (last grow was fail) I've been reading mad, and absorbing...
  9. C

    Chetto stealth grow

    lol That setup is kind of like my indoor one. I have limited space too and two cfl's also but they are much larger. I just started like 2 days ago.. You can try lsting if you can to get the most out of them. I don't know much though. I'll take a seat to see how they go. :P
  10. C

    First Ever/CFL Grow

    I've never posted just been watching, but I'll take my first seat here. :D your first 2 or 3 pics look kind of like mine (I just started) like two days ago.They don't have that long stems though.h Hopefully mine are half was good as yours. :D
  11. C

    Moving Help

    Best place to move in Northern Cali for growing legally easily. Near a college or something? I'm a senior in high school and am really looking forward to move to cali. But I need to go to college :( Where's a good place? or around good places :weed:
  12. C

    1st time grow help?

    This is going to be my first time grow. I have nearly everything. What i was wondering I have like 17 seeds how would i start them off i want them to sprout or somehting before i plant them idk. What's the bets way to go abotu this? I'll make a grow journal after this if I make any progress :)
  13. C

    Outdoor Basics?

    I think rederalis is a type of weedt strain or something. :S srry kinda new