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  1. jcommerce

    Gwarrior's 1st Bagseed & Blueberry Grow. Pics updated daily.

    G Warrior, where'd you go? I enjoyed reading your posts, then you just vanished. I hope "The Man" didn't visit you again. Anyone heard from this cat?
  2. jcommerce

    First time drip-system grower. Help much appreciated!

    Definitely run that thing 24/7. If the tap roots get submerged in stagnant water, they will drown. Those are looking very nice by the way. Are you only growing one? If so, you should consider adding a couple in case it turns out to be male. What strain? Are you testing Ph? Are you testing...
  3. jcommerce

    tck is doing a journal

    Nice Kola bro, well done!
  4. jcommerce

    Best all around lamp

    No, but why not just start with MH to begin with? I assume you have the T8s already and will be ordering the MH?
  5. jcommerce

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    Nice looking plants Tech! I would guess the first shot is a male, but I would give it a day or two more, then you'll know for sure. Congrats on the definite females!
  6. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Yak - I use R/O for 2 reasons. 1 is because I already had an R/O system for my 120 gallon saltwater reef tank and 2 because I like to start with 000 ppm water so I know EXACTLY what level of my nutrients are after I add them. If I started with my tapwater, which is hard water and is about 260...
  7. jcommerce

    My ebb and flow setup.

    That looks like nute burn to me. I would flush, and very slowly and gradually start to increase the nutes over a week to 10 days. I would flush with 000 ppm water for half to a full day, then go to 250ish ppm strength nutes for 2 - 3 days, then go to 500ish ppm for another 3 - 5 days, then up...
  8. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Gracias Tech 209. This monster plant never ceases to amaze me. I pulled back a few branches here and there just to keep any from growing too close to the lamp and there are nice, fat nugs hidden all over the place. Sugar buds galore!!
  9. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks for taking those off Yak, they did kind of ovewhelm my journal. I appreciate it. Good luck on your grow bro! Feel free to ask me any questions along the way.
  10. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Not sure if you were looking at Yak's pics (above) or my pics (a page or 2 back with Buds). I topped my Satori in week 4 and it branched like crazy after that. Each top, especially on my monster plant, has a nice kola top and lots of side buds and popcorn (good for butter) lower on the plants.
  11. jcommerce

    Standard relector or cooltube?

    According to George Cervantes, one of the most knowledgeable authors on marijuana horticulture, Cool Tubes are actually one of the very least effecient designs for growrooms. He goes through nearly every type of light fixture, bulb, and reflector in this book...
  12. jcommerce

    Best all around lamp

    I disagree. While LEDs are promising, I believe they still have years of trial and error research and development to perfect them for our hobby. Running an MH and HPS together, in tandem through both veg and flower, is still the best option of all.
  13. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    JBREEZE - Nope, should have. Guess I could clone still and revert back to veg. I've read that can take a long time though. Never tried it. In one of George Cervantes books, it has a section and pics of budded clones being reverted back to veg. It's in this book...
  14. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    You wouldn't believe it, but all of those bud pics are from the rear right Satori plant. It is so dominant and strong that it has essentially crowded out the other two plants. The right front plant will harvest a modest amount, but the left front plant has no significant buds to speak of. It's...
  15. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks guys, I'm pretty stoked. Getting tired of waiting but I'll make it through!
  16. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    2 more shots:
  17. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    DAY 45 OF FLOWERING: Here's some more eye candy. Things are coming along nicely. About 20 - 25 more days to go according to Mandala.
  18. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks Aries, glad to hear it has helped. Good luck!
  19. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Heruk - I've been putting in 10 ml per gallon. I've been putting in about 70 - 80% recommended strength of everything else, but I put in 100% strength Hydroguard. Don't want any nasties popping up in my roots, especially late in the grow. Newmindica - Thanks for the props. Yeah, I care more...
  20. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Nope, but they have a long running history as being one of the best. I just like the idea of organics better than synthetics. Supposedly the taste is better with organics.