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  1. S

    Not Enough Nitrogen?

    Im trying to diagnose my plant problems the bottom leaves are turning yellow and producing brown spots then curling up and eventually falling off. This is then progressivly moving up the plant to the bigger fan leaves? Any suggestions i have pictures but cant get them uploaded for some reason.
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    Royal Queen Seeds Quick One?

    yea thats basically what i was thinking luckily i didnt order them so all is good. thanks for the reply
  3. S

    Royal Queen Seeds Quick One?

    Has any one ever grown this strain. I have found little information on it and heard it could yield 250 to 300 grams within 2months!?!? Any information would help whamp whamp
  4. S

    Skunk #1 yield without topping vs topping

    What would a general yield be for skunk #1 if she wasnt topped and grew inside a square meter. Also if i did top the plant how much more yield would i be looking at.