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  1. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Yeah so why should mine go for 20 weeks ? Lol
  2. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Close as in close to harvest, 2 or 3 weeks is close to me, 6 weeks or more is not close lol
  3. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Yeah I can see the misunderstanding there lol, I have no intention of cutting early! I meant to me 12 weeks is ages ! 3 weeks isn't ages ! Which to me is close compared to ages! So 3 weeks is close, 6 weeks is a bit crazy to me. I won't be chopping this down until the trichomes are ready, and I...
  4. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Yeah ill update pics for sure ! Thanks for the reply
  5. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Yes I'm aware of that they'll be ready when they are ready lol, just asking if its close, and I in no way suggested I was going to chop it now ! Its not ready i know that
  6. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Well for me if its 12 weeks old, and it has let's say 3 to go then thats close enough lol I'm just anxious to test her lol
  7. C

    Close to harvest ?

    The 3rd pic was with the flash on the camera thats why it looks different
  8. C

    Close to harvest ?

    I'm not a fucking troll man ! Lol
  9. C

    Close to harvest ?

    I have no intention of chopping now, but its an auto and I can't imagine it taking 5 months to harvest, just seems odd to me when she gets so much thicker each day and its about 12 weeks or more old now
  10. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Ages man really? Lol what else can she do in another 5 weeks ? The colas are already massive, will be the size of my leg by 5 weeks
  11. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Wow the colas will be the size of my leg by then at the rate of daily growth lol
  12. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Yes she loves it
  13. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Colas are already the size of a decent sized dildo and rock hard, what else can she do in 6 weeks lmao ?
  14. C

    Close to harvest ?

    Shes getting fatter everyday, I'm thinking the top buds will be ready in 2 weeks ? And its ok to harvest top buds first and leave the rest to mature ? She's an autoflower
  15. C

    How long until harvest ?

    Damn well ill just wait it out until she's ready, most of the reviews I saw on this plant people said that it took about 70 days to harvest it
  16. C

    How long until harvest ?

    I know the foil is not ideal but the brightness on the plant increased immensely once I added it
  17. C

    How long until harvest ?

    Its way bigger than I expected it to be, that is one gigantic box from a life-size bust of subzero lol, I never expected this many colas on one small plant
  18. C

    How long until harvest ?

    Definitely no bugs, the yellowing on some tips is from nute burn early on, I just wanted to know how long it will take until I can down, I guessed 2 or 3 weeks based on how they look now
  19. C

    How long until harvest ?

    Yes its the water
  20. C

    How long until harvest ?

    Lol really ?? Not a single bug on it, maybe just a bad pic