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  1. soaoj

    White Widow really bad trip

    thank you all for your opinions... Indiann I smoke it with tobacco, but I always smoked all weed with tobacco and I always felt right. Final Phase, yes I flush it 1 week before harvesting. RM3, about 70% of the stigmas were brown so I assumed that was time for harvesting... ford442, the weed...
  2. soaoj

    White Widow really bad trip

    Hi, recently I planted some white widow from sensi seeds and every time I smoke it, makes me feel really bad, I mean, dizzy, my heart beats very fast, with some sickness. I smoke a joint at night almost every day and this is the first weed that makes me feel like this. Does anyone feels like...
  3. soaoj

    2º grow and this time for real

    Thank´s bbyb420... I know that 600w hps lamp are the most efficient ones, so do you think I should get one instead of 400w? Do you know if the the 600w spends much more electricity than the 400w?
  4. soaoj

    2º grow and this time for real

    thanks for your opinions Bud Tipps and Final Phase... btw what you think about the cool tube? is it worth it? I forgot to say but I´ll use a MH lamp for veg... I think 5 gallon won´t fit, but when I buy the tent I try them
  5. soaoj

    2º grow and this time for real

    Hi, I recently did a simple grow, my first one, just to see the basics of growing cannabis. I planted 2 seeds of auto white widow under 200w of CFL and yielded 27g (0.91 oz) dried. So, right now I´m planing a new grow, but this time for real, and I would like to have your opinion about the...
  6. soaoj

    My first grow OPINIONS WELCOME

    Hey, thank´s for your comments. if I move the plants outside, won´t I stress them? Because right now I have the system 18/6 of light.... I can´t have HPS lamps, because it would increase the electricity bill a lot. I know some people who use it and have great results but pay a lot more of...
  7. soaoj

    My first grow OPINIONS WELCOME

    I´m doing my first grow with the purpose of having my own weed and stop having to buy it on the streets. As you can see in the pictures my grow space is very primitive and perhaps need much more equipment. Although it is very simple, was the best I could do with low resourses (+- 150€ including...
  8. soaoj

    1º grow with a possible problem

    sno capz thank´s for the opinion. Yes, I know, but it´s hard to me knowing how much water they need. In the first few days I´m sure I overwater because the plate under the vase was full of water, but right now I´m having more attention to that..
  9. soaoj

    1º grow with a possible problem

    Thank you all. Like I said, this is my first grow and any little think can make me worried...
  10. soaoj

    1º grow with a possible problem

    Hi, I´m new at this forum and this is my first grow ever. I´m growing 2 plants of White Widow and I think one of them have some problem. One have 7 days and it´s pretty and growing fast, the other (the one I think have a problem) is too small and weird leaves. Anyway I would like some opinions...