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  1. H

    first grow issues

    I believe my problem was caused by stretching. When I germinated my seeds I waited three or four days too long before turning on the light. At that point the plaints where already three or four inches tall and very thin. So when the leaves grew the stems couldn’t support them. I added some...
  2. H

    Please help me with a couple questions.

    That is not Rockwool that is Readygro super plugs. The hydro store I went to recommended it. The thin fibers in the pictures are not roots, its coconut fibers. I had some other seeds next to these in coconut, and none of them sprouted for me. Probably my fault not the coconut, but that says good...
  3. H

    Please help me with a couple questions.

    Okay I got my grow check calibrated and monitoring the water. My PH is 6.0 and my PPM is 1850. So I guess I should have been adding water to the res this whole time to keep the nut/water ratio correct. so I have a 20g res that looked pretty full with 15g in it. should I use less than 15g of...
  4. H

    Please help me with a couple questions.

    I do have a fan indirectly blowing on the plaints. I haven’t found a good isolating fan yet but I have a large square fan facing up at an angle towards a wall next to the flood table. So the wind hits the plaints enough to make them move in the breeze but not blow them down.
  5. H

    Please help me with a couple questions.

    I was in the hydro store picking up a Hanna Growcheck and mentioned my problems. They sold me silica blast for the stems and Cal-Mag for the spots. They decided the spots were a result of a magnesium deficiency. I guess I might be gullible but they seemed to know what they were talking about...
  6. H

    Please help me with a couple questions.

    The roots are only in water for 15 minutes every 45 and I spray the leaves with some B-1, Grow Big, and water mixture. Yes I have an air stone and a feeble attempt at a CO2 reactor that I am not sure if it adds any CO2 but it circulates the water. I have not checked ph, need to find...
  7. H

    Please help me with a couple questions.

    I'm new to growing and I'm encountering a few problems. First my stems seem very weak, they are growing crooked but have improved over the last few days in terms of width. Also my leaves are spotty, any advice on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Give me a second to post some pics so...
  8. H

    I'm having trouble posting

    Sorry about that, I guess that was just a test post because I tried to make the current OP a couple times and it didn't work. edit: I guess I do suck at the internet because I can't figure out how to edit the thread title.
  9. H

    I'm having trouble posting

    I have having some problems issues with my first grow and would love some feedback. I started these seeds in paper towels than moved them to a germination chamber with B-1 in the water and no lights. I think this is where I went wrong, the plaints popped out very quickly maybe within a day but I...
  10. H

    first grow issues

    I have having some problems issues with my first grow and would love some feedback. I started these seeds in paper towels than moved them to a germination chamber with B-1 in the water and no lights. I think this is where I went wrong, the plaints popped out very quickly maybe within a day but I...