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  1. meredithpdx

    Oregon Diesel Outdoor Grow - Pacific Northwest

    Additionally, the subject, Oregon Diesel plants are in the black 35 gallon containers.
  2. meredithpdx

    Oregon Diesel Outdoor Grow - Pacific Northwest

    Yes, they were all planted at the same time. It's weird, one started budding one week before the other three. That same plant had a small bug problem in the beginning of the grow (looked like white aphids), handled the issue and I think the result is that it went into protection mode and...
  3. meredithpdx

    Oregon Diesel Outdoor Grow - Pacific Northwest

    Good morning everyone - This is my first post in any forum for growing cannabis. I recently retired from the military and wanted to get back into the hobby I loved so much before joining the armed forces. I only grew indoors in the mid 90's - a lot has changed. I grew up in Southern...