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    First time grow... off to a bad start

    Search Craig's List for 400W gro lights. You should be able to get a balast and hood for under $100 and maybe a good bulb buy too. Totally the way to go and cheap too.
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    1 4200 lumin 6700K CFL BIG one and 2 2600 Lumin 6700K CFLs. I am looking to get a 400W MH to put into my fixture once they get bigger. Any recomendations on 400W MH bulbs I am wondering what bulb to buy and if the extra $$ is worth it from the $25 GE bulb to the $120 Hortalux.
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    400 Watt MH Bulbs? What to get? Worth the extra $?

    I am looking to get a 400W MH bulb for veg, but am deciding what bulb to get. You can drop from $25 for a shop light to $120+ for proper spectrum. Is the extra $ really worth it? Especially since I am only using it for veg and switching to a Hortilux HPS for flower?
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    HELP! First timer and failing left and right.

    I can't seem to get past seedling stage even! Christ! I planted these seedlings in Rockwool 3 weeks ago: . I already killed 2 seedlings and 2 remaining is getting $$$ I just planted the little guy into the DWC because he did NOTHING in 2 weeks.... The other one in the pic is a new seed I...
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    OKay so I put one of them into the DWC. It has TINY roots. HELP! Here are pics:
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    Barney's Farm G13 Haze

    Good info. I am growing in an area 20" deep 36" wide and 70" tall in DWC. I hope I have the room! I think I should rig up a SCROG and keep veg kind of short.
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I have clay pellets as the medium. I think I may try to put them into the clay pelets tonight. Thoughts?
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I am wonderning if I can put thin in soil for a bit and when they grow put them into the DWC. Thanks for the help, this has been driving me NUTS! 2 weeks of NOTHING...
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Thanks for the info. I am just worried they are too small to put into DWC though... What to do?!
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    Barney's Farm G13 Haze

    What is the verdict on Barney's Farm G13 Haze? Growing? Taste? high?
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I am going to transplant them to a DWC. I have been watering them depending on the weight of the cubes trying not to over or under water them. I started a bit more on the water then tapered it back to let the cubes dry out for a good 4 days until light weight and fairly dry then wattered them...
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    400w HID/HPS Closet Grow (Edelweiss from clone)

    Are there 2 plants in there? Have you tried running it with the glass on and off of the hood?
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    G13 Run looks great tell me what you think..

    I am currently growing Barney's Farm G 13. Any comments on that strain?
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I just started adding my Dyna Grow nutrients to the Rockwool. I PPMed it to 666 PPM it was 130 PPM from the tap. PH is about 6 on the litmus paper.
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    My Growing Area in Steel Cabenit and questions

    THe size is 20" deep 36" Wide and 70" tall. I am running a 400W HID come flower time but right now I am going to veg in CFL and may add a MH. I am planning to grow 3 plants in DWC, 2 in the Rubbermade and 1 in a 5 gal bucket, I may go to 3, 5 gal buckets after some advice. I am venting with a...
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    Here are closer pics. I want to put them into DWC buckets, not soil. I was under the impression I should wait to put them into the baskets until I could see roots comming through the Rockwool. Should I add nutrients now?
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    I have them in a 20" deep 36" wide and 70" tall steel cabenit. I have a 171 CFM fan pulling air through the top and a 150 CFM fintake filter. I have also been keeping the door open for extra fresh air. Why are my seedlings all failing!!!!
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    They are in Rockwool and water. I do not know why I am having so much trouble. 2 other seeds died. The PH on the litmus paper looks about 6.5 or so. THis is really frustrating! Why in the hell will my plants not grow?? They are under 1 4500 lumin 6500K big CLF and 2 2700 Lumin 6500K CLFs.
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    2 1/2 Week old seedlings

    THese are my seedlings germinated May 2nd. Are these growing too slowly? They do not seem to be doing much in the last week and a half, especially the one on the right.