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  1. BuDz047

    3rd Time growing. 3's the lucky Charm?

    Ballets? I'm guessing you mean Ballast? and Yes, that is a cheap ass ballast. Stretching? Ditto. I did let those things grow tall. Also, i think i left too many bottom nodes which did not receive sufficient light and created a lot of pop-corn bud, thus robbing energy from the top buds. That's my...
  2. BuDz047

    3rd Time growing. 3's the lucky Charm?

    Hey gang; It's been such a long time since ive been here that i forgot my last username, password and all the info that went with it. So i started a new profile. I germinated my 1st seed on Valentines Day 2013, almost a year ago; and its been quite a ride. More downs than ups, but they were all...