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  1. M

    Donald Trump

    Did he kill any gays?
  2. M

    Donald Trump

    [FOGDOG So this ^^ goes completely off the rails. I don't even mention the gun. I say in my post that the shooter was a mentally disturbed, angry person. Your post was completely deranged. Wow. You have lost it man. Maybe I should call you in to the FBI as an unstable person about to hurt...
  3. M

    Donald Trump

    How many gays did he kill?
  4. M

    Donald Trump

    You really are STUPID! BLACKS and MUSLIMS killing gays and you say its white Christian males. Gee I just explained it to you in BLACK and WHITE dummy.
  5. M

    Donald Trump

    You should tell that to those who lived through the shooting and the kin of those that didn't. They will feel glad to hear your stats and give them a warm glow of happiness inside.
  6. M

    Donald Trump

    What I want to know is WHERE DID THE PAPER COME FROM? I would put money on it being WHITE but the ink was probably black I would bet on it. Who all wanted this LAW were they black? What should we draw from this? Where does blame lie? the PAPER [white] the INK [black] the CLERK that wrote...
  7. M

    Donald Trump

    Maybe it was the evil gun that did it and he was under its control, you would like it to be the fault of the gun wouldn't you? The truth is he was a EVIL MUSLIM WHOS RELIGION SAYS GAYS SHOULD BE KILLED SO HE KILLED THEM. Very simple and now he has 72 virgins, gee I would like 72 virgins but I am...
  8. M

    Donald Trump

    So you are saying BLACKS are executing gays in Uganda. Muslims killing gays everywhere and with your corkscrew brain see it as all caused by Christian white American males. I will take your word for it as you have the gall to be most hateful bigoted hypocrite that I have been around or know of.
  9. M

    Donald Trump

    Did you read his mind? How would you know.
  10. M

    Donald Trump

    The next time a white Christion kills 50 gays I will make sure that you know that I QBJECT to it.
  11. M

    Donald Trump

    Thank you.
  12. M

    Donald Trump

    I am a bigot for thinking its wrong for muslims to kill gays?
  13. M

    Donald Trump

    I know of muslims killing a hell of a lot of gays all over the world have you been making this case?
  14. M

    Donald Trump

    Send them to gay bars and maybe the muslims will shoot them inadvertently.
  15. M

    Donald Trump

    Harry reid blocked that law from being passed. Kate was shot and killed by an illegal, 5 men burned alive by a pissed off an illegal. Yes sounds inadvertent, oops shit happens.
  16. M

    Donald Trump

    A mexican illegal immigrant is going to do something wrong, run a traffic light or jaywalk or kill people. Yes they do kill people and I think it was wrong of him to burn people to death even if they were homeless and they pissed him off. But you don't care, if they are muslim or Mexican.
  17. M

    Donald Trump

    Passing a law so that it does not happen again? Then we should pass a law making illegal to be stupid so then we will all be smart. That will work.
  18. M

    Donald Trump

    How much you want to bet they don't deport him.
  19. M

    Have You Ever Tried Life in the UK Test?

    I guessed my way to 18.
  20. M

    Have You Ever Tried Life in the UK Test?

    You would be surprised how much better life could be here if 30 million or so would go there I would pay my part of the shipping cost.