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  1. Dylburt

    Crop Robbed

    actually 3 of my plants were stolen right from my back yard this year (although im almost sure it was a very close friend that i belive seen my babys while takin a piss one day)
  2. Dylburt

    hermie idea

    okay so with stress a female plant will hermie into a half male, if so will the male hermie into a half female? o.O
  3. Dylburt


    its not my room its my dads and in order to use it i gotta do a hell of alot work (clear out all shit from last crop and its a huge mess) but i think im gunna go for it then you gave me a bit of inpiration to put em inside :p
  4. Dylburt


    only 3 thanks to some rippers got 3 of my babys :/ and yeah i was very behind (mid juneish) and they underwent some stress at the begging which delayed them another 2 weeks so they really only vegged for 4 or 5 weeks and got around 2 -2.5 ft tall 1 i lstd and is 2 and a half feet wide and is a...
  5. Dylburt


    and do you know if it would hurt the plant at all to bring inside and finish under a 1000watt hps i just dont want the frost to get to it, itll be comin soon :/
  6. Dylburt


    im in southern ontario and yeah its been getting to around 2-4 degrees at night (celcious) and its wierd though its only the nugs not the hairs not the stems just nug and a little tiny bit of leaf around the nugs but not stems at all
  7. Dylburt


    whys my bud turning purple? the rest of the plant looks healthy bud the bud is mad purple any ideas?
  8. Dylburt

    What method should I use in my pc box?

    i decided to just use an empty cupboard in my entertainment unit it has more space but is still the same hieght vertically (exact same actually its kinda scary lol) gunna need some more lights though once these clones i got going get a bit bigger
  9. Dylburt

    3rd CFL, 1st PC Grow.

    had to be the absolute worst part of the box i used a grinder eventually i tryed snips but they didnt really work so well for me ahah but i decided to just convert my bottom cupboard in my entertainment unit into a grow spot just tempoarary im going to make it better and add more light once...
  10. Dylburt

    What method should I use in my pc box?

    Okay I've been trying to decide what I should do with my pc box either a sog type grow with about 6 or 7 small plants in there or 2 plants that i lst and let grow bigger? I'm thinking i could probably pull the same from either but if i go about the sog type grow I don't want to end up with a...
  11. Dylburt

    3rd CFL, 1st PC Grow.

    Looks great so far, is there any outtake fan in there? Also how did you go about gettin rid of that annoying square chunk of metal in the corner (if you know what I mean?)? and are you planning on just using that 1 bulb the whole time because unless thats a high powered cfl i really dont think...
  12. Dylburt

    How do they look? and 2012 grow story

    this is a pic of 2 of my 3 remaining plants they were all a late start due to no money for seeds but finally early june i found some seeds in a bag i bought (first time i was happy about it :p) anyways i got pots and soil togeather asap and started the seeds in solo cups, they started off...
  13. Dylburt

    quick question

    yeah man there outdoor cant control that :p i dont even know what light dep is so i def dont do that AND UPDATE: 3 of my plants were stolen right out of my backyard! i think i know who did it because they seen a plant before i moved them while he was takin a piss its actually a really close...
  14. Dylburt

    quick question

    guess this explains why some are different from others :p i could never figure it out and not atm i dont but im gunna try and get some asap, but ill wait and see what happens first as suggested ^^ if in 3 weeks theres no progress i will be posting pics and trying to find the damn problem witht...
  15. Dylburt

    quick question

    but then why is 1 so much further along then the others? all theese plants are the same strain (all bagseed, actually they all came from 1 bud :p)
  16. Dylburt

    quick question

    some of my plants are still not growing any bud really its just a few hairs on them its been like that for 5 weeks now, except 1 it is budding up nicely, any ideas?