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  1. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    I keep finding them just little ones now quite upsetting but I've been bringing hem in at night too I'm going to try and stretch it to the end of the week and that's it i think it's frikin freezing lol (only mid 60s) but they could def use another week I think
  2. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    I'm going to check them in a few got cold last night they are inside right now till I get over there the sun isn't really out today anyways but yea they were on 2 for sure hard to see the little bastards
  3. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    I'm hoping to get 1 week for one plant and maybe 2 for the other 2. The 4th I was going to see how long it would last just to see for shits an giggles because it's so stunted
  4. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    I'm so torn. The hairs havnt really begun to turn red on 2 of 3 that are getting close the 4th was stunted pretty bad
  5. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    Ok so I'm not happy I keep finding these fat little grub like bugs murdering the tops of my buds! Help I'm almost thinking about just harvesting to stop them ew
  6. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    Are there any I can buy at like a walmart lol and I have been trimming the longer bigger leaves off the buds have been getting much bigger since I started staying on top if it
  7. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    I can believe how nice they are the people that have seen them are shocked I'm excited it's been getting chilly I figure I can get another 2 weeks if I'm lucky what the best food I can just pick up where ever not trying to go crazy but I feel like they could use somethign
  8. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    Not really very helpful advice.
  9. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    I had a few spots I clipped
  10. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    All three there is 4 but #4 was experimented on and not much to look at haha
  11. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    It's going well I think idk how much longer I should let them grow
  12. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    It rained overnight they are still outside so oh well lol
  13. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    Will rain be bad for them at this point it's suppose to get nasty tomorrow. I feel like the answer should be no but figured I'd ask anyhow
  14. Kimbowly

    outdoor advice for east coast

    Synthetic so far but nothing fancy just some tomato food lol
  15. Kimbowly

    Welcome New Members!

    First successful outdoor grow looking good 4 seeds 4 females just took a chance and this is what I've got as of today any comments welcome!