outdoor advice for east coast


p and k Stop pulling off leaves unless they're yellow at this point. go for three weeks. if you keep getting moldy spots chop it.
Are there any I can buy at like a walmart lol and I have been trimming the longer bigger leaves off the buds have been getting much bigger since I started staying on top if it


Ok so I'm not happy I keep finding these fat little grub like bugs murdering the tops of my buds! Help I'm almost thinking about just harvesting to stop them ew


Well-Known Member
Not good could be budworm. Usually west coast growers get that. do you remember seeing white moths on your pants in the summer? Spinosad maybe. Maybe you just want to cut them.


Not good could be budworm. Usually west coast growers get that. do you remember seeing white moths on your pants in the summer? Spinosad maybe. Maybe you just want to cut them.
I'm so torn. The hairs havnt really begun to turn red on 2 of 3 that are getting close the 4th was stunted pretty bad


I'm hoping to get 1 week for one plant and maybe 2 for the other 2. The 4th I was going to see how long it would last just to see for shits an giggles because it's so stunted


I'm going to check them in a few got cold last night they are inside right now till I get over there the sun isn't really out today anyways but yea they were on 2 for sure hard to see the little bastards


I keep finding them just little ones now quite upsetting but I've been bringing hem in at night too I'm going to try and stretch it to the end of the week and that's it i think it's frikin freezing lol (only mid 60s) but they could def use another week I think


Well-Known Member
If you have bud worms then you have budworm poop also. next time you grow get some spinosad and neem oil. regular applications will keep most pests off. A fan would keep the moths off. maybe get a small greenhouse. What happens is a moth lands on your plants and it looks like they're just chilling but they're really laying eggs. When the bud forms it incubates the eggs and the worms chew tunnels in the bud. Can you take a better picture of the worm?