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  1. caverage

    The Diviners Sage

    Definitely not for everyone. I feel like the majority of people who do try it do it wrong. Shits no joke
  2. caverage

    The Diviners Sage

    Just thought Id share a few pics of my salvia divinorums. I actually have quite a few. I kind of harvest them often and take new cuttings every time
  3. caverage

    Drum and Bass

    Yeah I feel you on that. No excuses or nothign but thats the a semi old dnb song that wasnt 100 percent complete. Got a crytpowall virus a few months ago that took 2 harddrives with it so i never fully finished it. Heres another Techy Classic that strikes the nostalgia for me
  4. caverage

    Drum and Bass

    Thanks Homie ! yah man I need to get back into the grind.
  5. caverage

    COB builds and TIM

    Hell yah , Godspeed man ! What kind of rig you build ?
  6. caverage

    COB builds and TIM

    Nice, I was hoping that was the case. It's funny because I've built a number of pcs and never even knew to or thought twice about letting thermal paste cure on my cpus lol
  7. caverage

    COB builds and TIM

    Recently just attached some cobs to their new homes. I used Antec Forumla 7 Nano Diamond thermal paste. Anyways, I threw away the box and literature before thinking of checking what the recommended curing time was. Googled it ,and it turns out people on pc forums are saying it burns it self in...
  8. caverage

    Drum and Bass

    Heres one of my older dnb tracks.. I just uploaded as a private with a download if yall interested
  9. caverage

    Drum and Bass

    here's a classic mid-late 90s track
  10. caverage

    Caverage Music(Dnb/Dub/industrial/slash Hey all. New to the forum. Just thought I'd share a link to a few of my tracks. Electronic. Dark . Industrialish dnb and stepish.
  11. caverage

    a c average cloner ?

    Didn't even think of that. I'll have to keep my eyes on my roots . Thanks for the input
  12. caverage

    a c average cloner ?

    So I made this new mini cloner today. I went all crazy with the heads. Is that going to cause more harm than good ?
  13. caverage

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Ok sweet deal , good to know. Thanks supra ! Your threads have inspired me and guided me to do what I once thought was way over my ability
  14. caverage

    How to mount Vero 29s without screws?

    What about self tapping screws with a lil pilot hole ?
  15. caverage

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Can these still be used safely on cxa3070s ? I bought 4 of them from the same seller. I was hoping to use them until I get the better drivers I'm trying to wrap my head around pfc and what it means to use a driver that isn't
  16. caverage

    Stealth/Safe DIY CXA3070 project

    Thanks again for the help. Here's my lil driver box
  17. caverage

    Stealth/Safe DIY CXA3070 project

    Oh sweet! Yep just loose wire. Thanks man! Appreciate the quick reply.
  18. caverage

    Stealth/Safe DIY CXA3070 project

    Ok so once again please forgive me, im really not trying to hijack. I'm a rook when it comes to electrical. I was hoping to get some direction on what am I supposed to do with this ground wire on my driver. I noticed in pics of these diy cob projects I don't see the third wire coming out the...
  19. caverage

    Stealth/Safe DIY CXA3070 project

    Thanks Wiz, im gonna go check out that pdf. it seems on vertical theres no z4 ab 3000ks. but i guess even if there was, 20 is way to many for what I got going on.
  20. caverage

    Stealth/Safe DIY CXA3070 project

    That is pricey ! I swear I was looking in mouser and didn't see any but z2s (For some reason I couldn't edit my quote )