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  1. M

    Took my plant out..

    Yeah, It really shouldn't be illegal. It's all natural it's like making grass illegal.. But something worse for you is able to sell in the stores? Tabbaco? sad. sad. sad world.
  2. M

    Took my plant out..

    yeah id have to cut the back and seal the front lol
  3. M

    Took my plant out..

    Look on here it will tell you it might come back alive. Anyways what can i make Im trying to get this going i can use my dressor then i have to run tubing
  4. M

    Took my plant out..

    I don't have much so. and i can't use the closet because i wont be able to knock the walls out and it needs to be stealth from other people.. So anything i can stick in my room i got a dressor but the light issues from the back from the fans? How do i fix that
  5. M

    Took my plant out..

    Yeah i might do it again. Gonna find something else more stealthy.. any ideas that's usually a household item i tried pc grow but too much hastle and closet gets to hot.
  6. M

    Took my plant out..

    Well sadly i gave up on growing atm ... THe temps are too hot and its hard to keep stealth.. I tried everything and light and the temps will not stay cool because of the heat spells we've been having. I might try again in the fall though. Hopefully i get something going then.. Im really sad that...
  7. M

    Scrog pc case help

    Thanks for the luck and the info, Im currently working on it.. Gonna use alot of duct tape to seal any holes =]
  8. M

    Scrog pc case help

    So. My Dresser stealth thing didn't work out as planned gets to hot ( We've been getting really hot temps this week) 91+ but at night it stays cool 85..but even that stresses it, And also the light BLEEPS ME off its just alot more work with the thing because i need it to be stealth and light...
  9. M

    going on 5days little brown?

    My water PH is 7.6 is that bad? That from tap.
  10. M


    Nice, and goodluck Im also new to growing, 5 days old looks like ur little leaf's =p. Just want to say goodluck Noob to noob xD
  11. M

    going on 5days little brown?

    Thanks for the chart and its only 5 days old. started from seeds =] not weeks. Im sure it alright it might have even been because i took it out of the light for 10min to update my grow room
  12. M

    going on 5days little brown?

    no and none yet
  13. M

    going on 5days little brown?

    Okay so i know im new to all this i really need to check this out before i bleep things up xD Okay so the leaves are growing bigger but on the very edge of them are turning brown should i worry? I used bottled water at first for water then tap water maybe ima use more bottle water :roll:
  14. M

    My stems purple? but watered good

    They are 4 days old =]
  15. M

    My stems purple? but watered good

    Okay so i posted pics on my thing i read it can be the strain.. If you look at my post from yesterday the stem is purple but the leafs are smaller. It is bigger now.. since yesterday. So i don't think i should worry what do u think? Should i fertilize
  16. M

    Going to Trial + Jail NEED to do Eairly harvest What should i do?

    Right then if u do get caught you will prolly get some more time in there
  17. M

    Stem Colour

    Just noticed mine was purple also lol. So i watered it hope that fixes it and mine might be the strain not sure.
  18. M

    Stem Colour

    No.. I thought if its like that color its dying or underwatered or something like that?
  19. M

    Day 3 How does it look? (Good Pics)

    Yeah, I should have showed u guys the Big exhaust fan i found in my attic works GREAT. The things you can find laying around the house :P
  20. M


    Okay so i posted a thread not to long ago you can see my setup in a dresser :P Mine ofc. I have 2 23 watts so far and 1 13? Someone told me to buy a whole pack of them but i can't atm lol (I have my reasons) I can probably get like 4 more 13's and 1 more 23 xD think thats good enough...