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  1. K

    my 1st grow ....

    thnks m8 hopefully it goes well :) wot u growin?? got any pics ??
  2. K

    my 1st grow ....

    wot u mean by tie thm dwn m8
  3. K

    my 1st grow ....

    will my plant be o ..any tips ..iv moved it closer 2 the light
  4. K

    my 1st grow ....

    yhh... i moved my light dwn today it is a bit streached but now i had the new light on it it seems 2 be doing better now ....will my plant be ok m8 :bigjoint:
  5. K

    my 1st grow ....

    errmmm its a 200w light dont no wot is called ..i brough it of my m8 ..he use 2 grow with the light am usin now
  6. K

    my 1st grow ....

    safe ppl a new starter at this growing weed....anyway i got 1 plant growin at min..hoping to start a few white widow plants seems 2 be doing ok ...u be the judge ..any comments welcome ... il keep updated pics :weed:
  7. K

    I might need help.

    thnks man ....ill make my own thread and keep u all updated anyway ..
  8. K

    I might need help.

    yh the lower half look bit bad but i think tht was cuz i was using a shit light 4 about 2 weeks ..thn i brough a new light 200w and its seems 2 be doing all right ....will my plant be ok ??
  9. K

    I might need help.

    sorry m8 make a new 1 in a min
  10. K

    I might need help.

    safe m8 wot shud i do about my plant new grower !!! insted of taking the mick can u help mii out thnks
  11. K

    I might need help.

    thnks m8 least some ppl can help ..
  12. K

    I might need help.

    well help mii out thn m8 .....
  13. K

    I might need help.

    how do u make a thread ?? am new 2 this site m8
  14. K

    I might need help.

    WELL HOW DO U MAKE A THreaD to this site m8
  15. K

    I might need help.

    good luck thn m8 ...keep updatin bout ur plants m8 i..ll do the same wiv my plant hopefully il be growing some white widow soon if it goes all right :)
  16. K

    I might need help.

    safe m8 i jus bin readin up bout the purple stems ...i dont think u got much 2 worry about tht buch ..ur leaves curling up ?/ it cud be anything over watering or underwatering ...2 much heat
  17. K

    I might need help.

    safee m8 ....ii really dnt no anty thin bout the colour on ur plant ...but i realised i have a plant growin on 15 of september and jus gave her water..light and air and its seems 2 be doin ok try and find out bout ur baby 4 u :bigjoint:
  18. K

    I might need help.

    it aint tht small its 11inch long m8 and thnks 4 replyin il move the light closer 2 the plant thnx m8:bigjoint:
  19. K

    I might need help.

    thank god ....took ages 2 upload these pics
  20. K

    I might need help.

    safe ppl 1st time grower .. i got a plant growin in my closet :) its nearlly a month old now. i think it doin well aint sure ..u judge...wot it is started of wiv the light 12 on 12 off and wen it wa a babby and up to now... i was reading on internet u ment start of wiv 18 hours on and 6...