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  1. Dgirl666

    Molasses with ebb & flow???

    Ill just stick with what was suggested.
  2. Dgirl666

    Molasses with ebb & flow???

    Can I use molasses with my ebb & flow system to make the buds bigger? I heard several people use it but one person said it might mess up my pump. Any suggestions?
  3. Dgirl666

    Flowering when to start

    Ok, the seedlings are getting bigger now they are 7 to 8 inches tall. Is it time to start flower stage? we dont have much room so have been told to start flower and they will still grow another foot or so. How do we send them into flower mode? Someone told me about this molassis for making...
  4. Dgirl666

    Is this from overwatering?

    Hey everyone thanks for the good advise. My plants are doing well. They are about 6 to 7 inches tall now and I was thinking of sending them into flower stage... The ppm's is holding steady at 1500 and the ph is fluctuating at between 6.2 and 6.7. How long after I start the flower process will it...
  5. Dgirl666

    Is this from overwatering?

    The reservoir is a 20 gallon, I'm just only filling it only half way. How much is the ppm meter gonna cost me? Feed too light??? I'm using what the bottle says 2 teaspoons per gallon of water, should I go to 3 teaspoons I was afraid I would burn them with too much... I really do appreciate all...
  6. Dgirl666

    Is this from overwatering?

    Good advise from everyone and i appreciate it. I have been checking the ph keeping it at about 6.2 or so( not sure how to figure ppm's.) we have about 10 gallons of water in the reservoir at all time and are changing the water once weekly. I could use some help with ppm's by the way. Do you...
  7. Dgirl666

    Is this from overwatering?

    Will that put a shock on them if they go without water for 6 hours, after having the almost constent flow for so long?
  8. Dgirl666

    Is this from overwatering?

    They seem to be growing ok but have some yellowing going on , is it from overwatering? I have them in a closet with the temp of 73-75 with a fan running. The pump kicks on every 15 mins of each hour. The light is about 12 inches from to tops of the plants. Oh and we are using fox farm hydro for...
  9. Dgirl666


    Thanks ill go with that and post pics in a few days to show progress.
  10. Dgirl666


    Hey guys. Kinda new to this just getting the new plants into the real system and was wondering about what you may think about the watering schedule... we have an ebb flow system and are using the 4 inch grodan rockwol cubes they have been in them for two days now ( the sugessted time without any...
  11. Dgirl666

    Are they ready?

    hey i have pics now what do you think?
  12. Dgirl666

    Are they ready?

    :joint:What do you think are they ready to go in to the ebb flow system we have set up? ( we have 4 inch rockwol cubes to use with the plugs) They are about 2 weeks old and have 2 sets of leaves, some are kind of leggy but they are strong because we have been running a fan on them from week 1...
  13. Dgirl666


    here is a pic of what i have now. How long should the light stay on in your opinion after three weeks?
  14. Dgirl666


    Ok you talked me into it one question: If i use purified water is it ok to start flooding the table right away cause it seems like too much water ? and do I start with fertilizer right away?
  15. Dgirl666


    Yes we are planning to stay hydro have a flood table and the light set up for 400 mh and sodium for the flowering. Not sure on the spectrum for the cfl's cause we just bought at walmart. i was told the lights for growing seedlings didnt have to be very strong if they were close is 3 inches...
  16. Dgirl666


    :neutral: Hi all Im new to the growing scene. Just starting some seeds and they seem to be growing straight up towards the light only one set of leaves after a week and a half they are like 4 inches tall and skinny, but they are getting some good roots i have them in a small plastic dish in the...