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  1. sallad82

    hermie question

    Yes or say goodbye to your sensimilla
  2. sallad82

    how far down can I top my mother

    For the love of Christian Slater please help me!!! Ive got a pair of snips and some rubbing alchohol right next to me and I dont know how long I can hang on....Im weak!
  3. sallad82

    how far down can I top my mother

    I'm going to take a weed whacker to it
  4. sallad82

    I broke my plant in 1/2

    that sounds intense.....shes doin well though. Thank you all.
  5. sallad82

    2-inch baby already flowering - Highly illogical

    cloned from a plant in flower
  6. sallad82

    how far down can I top my mother

    I have height restrictions and my moms 3 foot tall. I had her trained into a arch and I over did it and went for the full circle (would have been cool) alas she snapped. Thats neither here nor there, I need to cut my girls down!!! I want to top her about a foot down but Im not sure if they...
  7. sallad82

    I broke my plant in 1/2

    its together and upright...leaning on another plant. its two months old.
  8. sallad82

    I broke my plant in 1/2

    can it survive? It snapped while split on the sides, still in tact. What should I do to keep it alive?
  9. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    that reply was to onenumcat
  10. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    thats it dude....Are you getting new growth? did you lower your N? PPM?
  11. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    Thanx for all your time and consideration. I guess its just going to remain a mystery. Its proly just normal fluids but the color is bizarre. This thread went all the way to blasphemy? Interesting, well Ill be cloning soon so Ill try to get some better pics if its still fucking stigmata. Oh...
  12. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    technaflora nutes...thrive alive B-1. Plants are very healthy. Just getting too tall so I choped. It was was an instant build up on the top of the cut of deep red juice.
  13. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    anyone have an idea....besides carpet poop
  14. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    my camera is on my phone...its shitty. Ive never seen this....its a skunk/northern lights variation though...if that helps.
  15. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    i wasnt red it was brown ofcourse! nice
  16. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    Im a busy dude....Im not on here making stuff up. Just thought it was interesting.
  17. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    ive posted this twice now
  18. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    sorry for the delay
  19. sallad82

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    you are all very clever....howz that workin out for ya? Good laugh though....I didnt cut my fanger, the stem is green but the juice, or blood as I like to call it is red/maroon/purple/blood. My camera sucks...I had to wipe it off to make sure I wasnt seeing it wrong. Its on a whiye napkin and...