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  1. M

    Ph downer alternatives?

    I'm in pharmacy school and have access to sulfuric acid nitric acid boric acid maybe? would any of thes be ok to change my ph better than vinegar?
  2. M

    White spots on leaves (doesn't seem to be spider mites) or is it?

    Thanks yea I'm definitely gonna have to get one and I could probably just use house hold items to get the ph up or down cuz I don't have a ph up or down solution. But on the bright side my plants are looking a lot better today it's got 3 nice nodes hopefully it'll be fine till I can get ahold of...
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    White spots on leaves (doesn't seem to be spider mites) or is it?

    I would love to have ph'd water but the country I'm in has very limited resources and no I didn't flush it with cal/mag before I put it in I just used water I use tap water and I'm using a 600 watt hps light I'm a noob but isn't that different from the LED lights. But I haven't done anything to...
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    White spots on leaves (doesn't seem to be spider mites) or is it?

    So I should just add calcium and magnesium?? It should be able to repair itself right?
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    White spots on leaves (doesn't seem to be spider mites) or is it?

    im actually using peat moss but the soil i have i think has no added nutrients to its just plain peat moss. so i flush it or just lower the nutes im giving it
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    White spots on leaves (doesn't seem to be spider mites) or is it?

    iv added nutrients to it and grew a lot bigger in a week but it has these little white spots i feel like it could be a deficiency cuz i also think my plants need more nitrogen even tho ive been adding 8-6-6 to them. i found this other fertilizer thats has only nitrogen calcium and magnesium...
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    Ordering seeds

    I have no other choice unless you have an alternative because I'm from Southern California but I'm scared to take seeds with me on the plane even though i accidentally got through with a bubbler with half a bowl in it lol
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    Lime green color/short/droopy leaves

    Thank you I'll definitely let it dry out I think I did over water it and I wish I could buy a ph tester but Egypt is really behind on the whole hydroponics deal I genuinely believe I'm the first person to attempt to grow weed in Egypt they have hash but it's made from stress
  9. M

    Ordering seeds

    I ordered seeds to Egypt (sketchy country) with no problems but I used ordered
  10. M

    hps 600 watt 2 feet too far?

    i have seedlings at 1 week old now and i was told to keep them far away but now theire growth is slowing should i bring it down a bit lower to reap the full benefits? the plants are starting to look lime green
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    Lime green color/short/droopy leaves

    do u think maybe its the ph? cuz i did feed them a bit or maybe it just wasnt enough?
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    Lime green color/short/droopy leaves

    My plant is looking very light green I'm using: Peat moss (with no added nutes to it) Hps 600 watt (about 2 feet away) Tap water and letting it sit 2 days for Cl Not adjusting ph because I can't find a ph meter here in Egypt Temp: 75-80 Humidity:30 sometimes 40 I thought maybe it needed some...
  13. M review

    I recently bought some seeds from and got them shipped to Egypt with no problems. Seeds were sent in airtight capsule in a Lego toys toy bag! Very very good customer service they answered all my questions right away. I had many lol Thanks
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    Hps and seedlings

    Okay thanks brotha I'll move it up!
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    Hps and seedlings

    I have an auto flowering seed that I germinated and it's in it's first day of being in the pot can I put it under An HPS 600 watt about a foot a way or should I create another grow room and use some fluorescent lights???
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    Egyptian growing (need help/ideas!!!)

    I have a 600 watt hps light on it that's not enough? Maybe there's hope lol I'm not in the Muslim brotherhood
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    Egyptian growing (need help/ideas!!!)

    So how do I find out for sure I'm doing 18/6 the leaves are starting to grow more since I put the nutrients also some small new leaves started coming up plus about halfway up the stalk it's a lot greener almost as if the stem looks newer. Also I'm using peat moss
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    Egyptian growing (need help/ideas!!!)

    haha yea it really is i appreciate the advice and should i add a whole gallon at a time? wont tat drown my little plant
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    Egyptian growing (need help/ideas!!!)

    would 8 -6- 6 wok?? and how much water should i be adding at a time
  20. M

    Growing in Egypt (from Socal tho) need help ASAP PLEASE

    i have a hps 600watt i was using four flourescent lights in the beginning which is about a month ago i recently switched to the hps 3 days ago i havent used any nutes yet. i have 8 -6 -6 (best thing i could find in cairo). i have a fan pointing upward i dont have a vent or anything but i do a...