White spots on leaves (doesn't seem to be spider mites) or is it?


iv added nutrients to it and grew a lot bigger in a week but it has these little white spots i feel like it could be a deficiency cuz i also think my plants need more nitrogen even tho ive been adding 8-6-6 to them. i found this other fertilizer thats has only nitrogen calcium and magnesium would that be better? any advice?



Well-Known Member
They are showing signs of too much nitrogen. They are too young to be hitting with Nutes. Especially if you using soil. If your in coco or peat you can start nutes sooner maybe in a week or two. Would help to know what medium you got them planted in?


They are showing signs of too much nitrogen. They are too young to be hitting with Nutes. Especially if you using soil. If your in coco or peat you can start nutes sooner maybe in a week or two. Would help to know what medium you got them planted in?
im actually using peat moss but the soil i have i think has no added nutrients to its just plain peat moss. so i flush it or just lower the nutes im giving it


Well-Known Member
Well kinda depends when you hit it with nutes last. Kinda looks like it was awhile ago so a flush now might be a bit on the late side. I would Give it straight water next watering. Maybe give it a dose a cal mag if you have never added any to this point especially if your using a LED to grow with. But for sure hold off on the Nutes for awhile. When you do start with them go really low at first maybe even 1/8 strength to 1/4. Then as it grows you can increase nutes.


Active Member
iv added nutrients to it and grew a lot bigger in a week but it has these little white spots i feel like it could be a deficiency cuz i also think my plants need more nitrogen even tho ive been adding 8-6-6 to them. i found this other fertilizer thats has only nitrogen calcium and magnesium would that be better? any advice?
Is that not too young to be adding anything yet?


Well kinda depends when you hit it with nutes last. Kinda looks like it was awhile ago so a flush now might be a bit on the late side. I would Give it straight water next watering. Maybe give it a dose a cal mag if you have never added any to this point especially if your using a LED to grow with. But for sure hold off on the Nutes for awhile. When you do start with them go really low at first maybe even 1/8 strength to 1/4. Then as it grows you can increase nutes.
So I should just add calcium and magnesium?? It should be able to repair itself right?


Well-Known Member
As long as you dont add any more nutes it should recover. The Cal / Mag is really a maybe as to if you need to add it. When you set up your medium did you add Cal / Mag to the PH'd water you flushed your medium with. Or did you even flush it before. Also are you using RO water or tap water. RO water you for sure want to add some Cal /Mag. Tap water could have enough Calcium and Magnesium in it all ready so you would never have to add any. Also are you using LED lights ... For some reason LED lights seem to make the plants want more Cal / Mag. So all that stuff factors in to whether you should add some or not.


As long as you dont add any more nutes it should recover. The Cal / Mag is really a maybe as to if you need to add it. When you set up your medium did you add Cal / Mag to the PH'd water you flushed your medium with. Or did you even flush it before. Also are you using RO water or tap water. RO water you for sure want to add some Cal /Mag. Tap water could have enough Calcium and Magnesium in it all ready so you would never have to add any. Also are you using LED lights ... For some reason LED lights seem to make the plants want more Cal / Mag. So all that stuff factors in to whether you should add some or not.
I would love to have ph'd water but the country I'm in has very limited resources and no I didn't flush it with cal/mag before I put it in I just used water I use tap water and I'm using a 600 watt hps light I'm a noob but isn't that different from the LED lights. But I haven't done anything to it yet and it's actually starting to look better the base of the leaf of the leaf is getting much darker it's still the tips tho but hopefully that gets fixed with time?


You really need a PH meter if your going to grow in peat. Cant you get one off ebay , This one right here is cheap and the seller is in china they will ship anywhere. http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-PH-2011-Pen-Style-Portable-0-8-LCD-4-Digit-Liquid-Acidity-Tester-/171134498593?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d8693721.
Just be sure to keep it calibrated. It comes with two packets to mix up some calibration solution. Calibrate it once a week.
Thanks yea I'm definitely gonna have to get one and I could probably just use house hold items to get the ph up or down cuz I don't have a ph up or down solution. But on the bright side my plants are looking a lot better today it's got 3 nice nodes hopefully it'll be fine till I can get ahold of that ph meter. I really appreciate the advice tho many people told me I should a get a oh meter not many people gave me a solution thanks.