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  1. D

    Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

    I dont have a super solid stance on almost anything here, so no one get too upset about my posts. I'm trying to learn some shit and figure out the best way to go forward, without any bullshit. The guy that told me about MMPR is a huge hippy, that deals with tons of real deal hippys from BC on...
  2. D

    Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

    the quality was fine, the price is too fucking expensive from those mail order places. Right now bb wants 90$ for a gram of dab...... thats fucking insanity regardless of quality. BM here is full on BS. Talk is cheap, EVERYONE says they get good weed for cheap. no one txts and says come pick up...
  3. D

    Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

    Your reading in between lines that dont exist. I never compared LP to budbuddy in quality or price. I have not ordered from either of those places in a long time, I said it is too much money for the product + shipping. Plus the hassle of verifying the address before sending, and the delays...
  4. D

    Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

    I'm talking about bb/budmail. The prices are too high, plus shipping. And i've had orders take over a month. 1.) I'm on your side I never said for sure I know the LP weed is clean and I never said I know for sure the BM weed is clean But there is a common thing happening in alberta where people...
  5. D

    Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

    Yeah, yeah. I've known about and used them before. The price is high, and when your have orders taking 1-2 months, it turns into a no-go I've yet to actually inquire to any cc about using a picture of my prescription or something without calling my dr, as I already know she is not going to...
  6. D

    Health Canada Reports Less Than 18,000 patients buying from mmpr per month

    The shit some people write around here is insane. Get out of your little circle where apparently weed falls from the heavens 24-7 in amazing quality and at a low price. Becuase hippies in Alberta are L O S I N G their fucking shit over MMPR and everyone is RUNNING in there and telling all of...
  7. D

    OPP bust 5 plants

    I have the same opinions as you guys, but you have to see it from the side of LEO too. In the eyes of LEO they are bad people, breaking the law, or simply subverting the hoops to jump through that lets the gvt get their cut of tax money from the meds. Look at the schwagg the LP's sell for...
  8. D


    Yeah, you are right. this is the message that should be posted to the public ;)
  9. D


    Lol, broke the law!!! good one a psychiatrist writes me up for weed for a medical ailment...its hard not to see the whole thing is a sham to sell weed so the gvt gets tax $. and there is no local dispensaries for Calgary that I know of, and I'm not looking to sign up with _those_ type of...
  10. D


    Nice, thanks. I've read some posts on here already where people mentioned some CC that might not require a full on note from my doctor since she is in bed with the LP and probably would not ever sign anything to let me get meds outside of the 7 LP's they 'vetted, and approved' and one of my...
  11. D


    I get my bs mmpr card and think I've finally made it here and order from tilray - legit, wait for bullshit mettrum to get some bullshit stock because they were holding half my prescription "hostage" and not having anything to order, then my order is 3 days old already and appears lost or stuck...