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  1. P

    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    what about Phosphorus defency? my ppms are at about 400 and its day 15 of veg. the roots look healty and arnt brown but the stems are purple and they were dark now the bottom leaves of a few of the plants are yelow maybe shock. i dont think its over watering because i watered 2 to 3 days in a...
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    when do i put in the bleach? in my resivor while feeding or flushing out my nutes and then bleacking to cleen. ive herd of h202 drop in 1 to 2 mil per gallion to kill bacteria. i think i over watered because whenever i touched the bottom of rockwool it would leave some mosture on my fingers. i...
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    i have an airstone and another pump to mix my solution constantly, when i water the top is dry to the touch but the bottom is wet, not enough to drip water but definatly not dry, the last time i let them dry out and they wilted like these and havent got them to perk up since then.
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    my temp on my res is at 73 could it be why im not getting any oxygen? i added the 400 and the rockwool drys out a lot qucker. is once a day correct water feeding? would 73 degree res cause the wilting?
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    5/27 5/28 8am I just got done with a few more improvments i added my 400 watt hps and took down the cfl. im in the process of getting a fan in there to keep temps down but there no higher than 78 right now so its ok. all of the plants have roots and im still watering once every 24 hours without...
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    5/24 3pm Changed res put in lucas formula, 5ml micro 10ml bloom. plants seem to be still drooping before i go to sleep and then i wake in the morning and there looking good. not sure why they droop. here some pics of her in the morning.
  7. P

    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    5/23 11 pm Roots are starting to come threw the bottom and im watering a little more now around once every 24 or 36 hours. The plants toward the end of the day get droopy im not sure whats causing it. any help would be perfect.
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    Friday 5/21 12 noon I lowered the cfl light to about 3 inches off of the tops of each plant to reduce streching. didnt water as i did yesterday and didnt need it. temps are fine right at 69 degrees and humidity at 53 percent.
  9. P

    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    whats with the two plants with the yellow leaves? is that normal and ok for og kush? should i just wait and see if the leave turns around or cut it off? is my watering alright? i dont want to stress my plants i want a nice effect grow. a few of my top leaves on 2 plants were a little dry looking...
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    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    ive only watered twice in 5 days. ive checked the dampness everyday and lift the rockwool to feel how much water is on the bottom and it is wet. how close should i put the cfl light to the clones?
  11. P

    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    Thursday 5/20 2pm Watered for the second time as the rockwool held a good amount of water tell today, on two of the clones the leaves are turning a little yellow. im not sure what it is maybe nitrogen def? i did add 5ml of mico before i flooded to get it some more nitrogen. hopefully this will...
  12. P

    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    sunday 5/16 8am first day i got clones and watered. filled up 20 gallon res with around 1ml per gallon each of mico grow bloom or 1-1-1. 370 ppm with a ph of 5.6. all but 1 was rooted so i put them in the rockwool cubes. not sure if my ratio of 1-1-1 is correct but i didnt want to use to much...
  13. P

    OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

    I will be starting a new grow today 9 og kush clones from harborside in oakland. i will be using a ebb and flow setup first time doing hydro and growing with this strain. veg: 24/0 flur using gh nutrients. going to veg tell atleast 16 inch tall then switch bloom: 12/12 1000w hps gh nutrients...
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    Purple Kush 3 weeks flowering yellow leaves on lower leaves

    transplanted to 3 gallion pots the plants are at a ph of 7. my nutrients are at 6 to 6.5. im using 5ml of micro, 13ml of bloom and 5ml of grow per every gallon. a gallon of nuts for 3 plants last me about 4 to 5 days. there rather short because i only vegged for one week to keep them small as i...
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    Purple Kush 3 weeks flowering yellow leaves on lower leaves

    i am doing soil foxfarm. 400 watt nextgen 12/12 lighting in a 4 by 4 growhut general hydroponics micro flower bloom. I am having yellowing of the lower leaves and on the tips of the top leaves turning yellow and curling. im not sure whats the matter i have been watering about every 2 days...