OG Kush 4x4 grow tent 1000w ebb and flow grow with pics

I will be starting a new grow today 9 og kush clones from harborside in oakland. i will be using a ebb and flow setup first time doing hydro and growing with this strain.

veg: 24/0 flur using gh nutrients. going to veg tell atleast 16 inch tall then switch
bloom: 12/12 1000w hps gh nutrients and gonna try out bloomtastic that i got from my local hydro store.

im going to go for a pound and lets see where it goes.

Any feedback would be great.


sunday 5/16 8am
first day i got clones and watered. filled up 20 gallon res with around 1ml per gallon each of mico grow bloom or 1-1-1. 370 ppm with a ph of 5.6. all but 1 was rooted so i put them in the rockwool cubes. not sure if my ratio of 1-1-1 is correct but i didnt want to use to much nutrients as clones.

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Thursday 5/20 2pm
Watered for the second time as the rockwool held a good amount of water tell today, on two of the clones the leaves are turning a little yellow. im not sure what it is maybe nitrogen def? i did add 5ml of mico before i flooded to get it some more nitrogen. hopefully this will help. any sugestions?

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Well-Known Member
You could bring down that light alot closer to the clones so they wont stretch.

How often are you flooding?
ive only watered twice in 5 days. ive checked the dampness everyday and lift the rockwool to feel how much water is on the bottom and it is wet. how close should i put the cfl light to the clones?


Well-Known Member
Within 2-3 inches. The closer they are the tighter and more compact the plant will be. Tall skinny plants that stretch for the light cant hold as much bud as a short fat plant. Just my 2 cents.
whats with the two plants with the yellow leaves? is that normal and ok for og kush? should i just wait and see if the leave turns around or cut it off? is my watering alright? i dont want to stress my plants i want a nice effect grow. a few of my top leaves on 2 plants were a little dry looking and folding upward i just thought i had them to close already


Well-Known Member
Could just be those are the ones that went thru shock from the cut. How does the new growth look?
You are doing the right thing by only feeding when needed for now. When they start to take off(about a week or so) you can change it to once a day. They when they really take off bring it up to three times a day. Only flood when the liights are on and not too close to when lights are going off.
Remember less is more with the nutes! Its easy to give it a lil more than to take it away.
Friday 5/21 12 noon
I lowered the cfl light to about 3 inches off of the tops of each plant to reduce streching. didnt water as i did yesterday and didnt need it. temps are fine right at 69 degrees and humidity at 53 percent.
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5/23 11 pm
Roots are starting to come threw the bottom and im watering a little more now around once every 24 or 36 hours. The plants toward the end of the day get droopy im not sure whats causing it. any help would be perfect.
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5/24 3pm
Changed res put in lucas formula, 5ml micro 10ml bloom. plants seem to be still drooping before i go to sleep and then i wake in the morning and there looking good. not sure why they droop. here some pics of her in the morning.
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Well-Known Member
If it is just before the lights go off, my plants do that too. SHHHHH they are sleeping lol No seriously they will droop before the lights go out. But if its in the middle of they day its because they are thirsty.


Well-Known Member
You need to keep that light right on top of them! They look like they are streatching! You dont want them tall and skinny. Only move the light up when they are about to touch.
5/27 5/28 8am
I just got done with a few more improvments i added my 400 watt hps and took down the cfl. im in the process of getting a fan in there to keep temps down but there no higher than 78 right now so its ok. all of the plants have roots and im still watering once every 24 hours without turning the lights off, it seems like my rockwool drys out a little quicker now its getting older do i need to water it every 12 hours or what? i stuck on the new light and the plants have been droopy since then, the plants were drooped for about 12 hours lastnight and woke up this morning still "hung over" humidity is at 65 to 75 i dont know why they droop? this is day 12 of veg.

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Well-Known Member
You may want to back off the 400w a lil. 18-24" from the tops for now. That is alot more light than they have been use to. When they are more established you can getthe 400 closer to the tops. Around 10-12".

They look like they are staying wet too long.
my temp on my res is at 73 could it be why im not getting any oxygen? i added the 400 and the rockwool drys out a lot qucker. is once a day correct water feeding? would 73 degree res cause the wilting?


Well-Known Member
73 isnt bad, my DWC gets up to 78 without problems.

If your rockwool is drying out you should bump up your feeding. The problem with droopyness is it can be overwatering or underwatering. Check and make sure your rockwool is not drying out too much.

Do you have an airstone in your res to keep it from becoming stagnant?