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  1. IwontSTOP

    Full SPEEDYSEEDZ.COM Review (Covers Absolutely Everything)

    Damn, ive been so stoned and busy for a while so i forgot writing a little something about speedy, i wandered from bank to bank and didnt actually think i would get my seeds from any of them, bu settled for speedy. gotta say, i got my seedz, and what a nice freebie. thanks man! il write a...
  2. IwontSTOP

    Order #100000727 apparently the money request has to be sendt to my

    Order #100000727 apparently the money request has to be sendt to my account instead og my account.. paypal is registered on my old mail, slipped my mind,
  3. IwontSTOP

    sorry about the constant nagging im just happy i finally found a seed bank witch i feel i can...

    sorry about the constant nagging im just happy i finally found a seed bank witch i feel i can trust! me and my mate spent the day looking at your seeds and listening to music, this is what we came up with: Mr Nice Seedbank Walkabout Regular mix and Ceres Mix would you in your...
  4. IwontSTOP

    hi speedy, decided to go with you, so today i went to the bank and threw some money into paypal...

    hi speedy, decided to go with you, so today i went to the bank and threw some money into paypal. but i need your advise, starting my ph.d i don't expect the po-po to show at my house^^ so now i got more than lowryders to choose from, me and a mate got 50usd each comming to you so...
  5. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

    was thinking of two lowryders on top of my speakers.. and i dont have a trust issue since i dont have anyone visit me, exept a few exclusive friends.. so no worries there. and after the cops raided my house in a major drug case, the landlord dosent mind me having a few ladies around...
  6. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

    not to worry my grandma is jehovas witness LMAO
  7. IwontSTOP

    seriously, first i decided for bcseeds, then after reading about them i was glad i didnt place...

    seriously, first i decided for bcseeds, then after reading about them i was glad i didnt place my order, and then decided for attitude (witch i really havent heard much bad stuff about), but then i read about you, so now my decision lays on a few questions: here in norway the customs are...
  8. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

  9. IwontSTOP

    BC seeds Sendt this mail today. LMAO

    when i googled for seeds, i cant belive they where one of the first sites witch showed up! FUCKING GLAD i did some research on them before sending them my (sonn to come stolen) money..
  10. IwontSTOP

    Take plants out while lights off?

    apparently someone has been reading a couple of basics, and not the posts where skilled growers have answered this before (Yeah i did a little browsing on the forum to help out) A little light for a minute or two will not fuck it up! but its far from recommended bongsmilie EVERYONE HERE...
  11. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

    yeah, a closet grow would be an idea, but who is to say that i dont have a growroom on hand? the ones in the living room is there for ZEN only^^ and even so i still want them to flower
  12. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

    nice grow, about the smell, was it like a little smooth smell in the livingroom or like hitting a wall of weed at the front door?
  13. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

    nobody? sorry for the unpatience,
  14. IwontSTOP

    Take plants out while lights off?

    then flip em out and share your passion :peace:
  15. IwontSTOP

    any scandinavians here?

    yeah that counts :peace: how are things with the big cloud of ashes i hear the plane companies whine about? :shock: and how are things considering weed/hash on iceland?
  16. IwontSTOP

    Take plants out while lights off?

    in my opinion and from what ive read and experience wise, i would say the only bad thing about it is showing your plants to people (even though your paranoid dosn't mean they don't follow you:P) as for lighting, i dont thing 5min of light will do anyting, an if you want to be sure, just...
  17. IwontSTOP

    Having cannabis as regular indoor plant?

    i've come'd to the conclusion that if the police firtst show up and their in my living room, then its already a bust and wheter my plants are welded into a magic locker or not, the k9 is gonna sniff it up anyways, so i decided (if possible) to just change my light bulbs into 2700k and...
  18. IwontSTOP

    any scandinavians here?

  19. IwontSTOP

    BC seeds Sendt this mail today. LMAO

    this is what i read when i woke up today, started laughing like a mofo! We turned down all the money! After literally thousands of emails begging us to stay in business because we are really needed by people with serious illnesses, we have decided to stick around and help those in need...
  20. IwontSTOP

    wheres the new pic's mate^^?

    wheres the new pic's mate^^?