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  1. IwontSTOP

    looking forward to the new uploads, really hope you manage to breathe some life into it;)

    looking forward to the new uploads, really hope you manage to breathe some life into it;)
  2. IwontSTOP

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    hyperventilation, the ekstra buzz comes from the "over the top" oxygen percentage in your blood, when you force oxygen into the blood, the ammount of oxygen/blood gets a little to thin.. but yeah definetly works!:mrgreen: and yes im blazed so this isn't a spelling contest
  3. IwontSTOP check it out,
  4. IwontSTOP

    The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

    whatever they do make, and witch ever government who makes it (like the us made crack, oops) wil be of the bad kind, cause there is only one reason to make a new drug, considering what we have and that is to make one witch is so addictive and powerfull and also cheap to make, so there will be no...
  5. IwontSTOP

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    LAUGHING MY ASS OF, GOOD REPLY! yeah, that would be in the same category as the rest people have postet here, the obvious!:wall: and yeah playing with the horses wil get you couchstuck,toiletstuck and fucked sideways.:fire:
  6. IwontSTOP

    welcome btw

    welcome btw
  7. IwontSTOP


    have to say i really dont know, but, it (as ive read around) would help to flush if you think its a nute burn, and if it ls lack of nutes, then add some (i dont know if you have nuted?) if thats not it, then overwatering may be one thing(?) or if you went out and found your soil thats probably...
  8. IwontSTOP


    keep it, try giving it som aid, you wouldnt just throw your kid in the trash if he got the flue, so why trash your second(or only) wife;)
  9. IwontSTOP

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    yeah, for me thats the only way to go, :wall:but hey, wanna get really high then use no2 (cream dispenser) and take a toke on the dispenser then your bong, you will be ripped up stoned (yeah i know you get some kind of high from the no2 too)
  10. IwontSTOP

    any scandinavians here?

    im from scandinavia (somwhere) im in the planning stage og a pc case grow, but also want to try some outdoor growing, any growers from scandinavia? and have you grown outdoor?
  11. IwontSTOP

    Please review my choice of plants 4 PCgrow.

    any one from scandinavia?
  12. IwontSTOP

    Please review my choice of plants 4 PCgrow.

    ok then, that was what i hoped for, in the mean time while i read on RUI, is there anyone from scandinavia who has ordered from attitude?
  13. IwontSTOP

    Please review my choice of plants 4 PCgrow.

    Ok, as the topic says i need some views and tips. ive had a few of those plants witch i have given water and let live on their own.. but now im going for a PC case grow, and the seeds ive got planned to order comes from attitude(any experience with them in scandinavia?) G13 Labs Poison...