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  1. djcottonsocks

    flavored curing

    LOL you have no idea how much i've planned this. i've researched it alot and found nothing really of the sort. thinkin of the science behind it from drawing the moisture from the center out you would assume that the pineapple in the middle that is slighthly moist would run a nice sweet pineapple...
  2. djcottonsocks

    flavored curing

    yea i was actually thinkin of puttin the pineapple in there a day in advance to dry a lil alone, and then puttin the bud in there with the fruit in the middle of it and rotate it all ocne a day and burping it about 4-6 times a day.
  3. djcottonsocks

    flavored curing

    i love the taste, im just always lookin to make things a lil different
  4. djcottonsocks

    flavored curing

    i am 4 weeks into my flowering with amazing results. i'm havin an idea with my curing and curious if anyone else has done somrthing similiar. im gonna take a slice of pineapple and wrap it in a coffee filter and throw it in the center of my jar while its curing. hoping to get a great taste of...
  5. djcottonsocks

    I cannot tell the sex of the plant

    that would be a male. look at the lil balls forming at the stalk. when it gets the wirey hairs comin out you know its a female. but you got ballls on that