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    would 3/4 of one of those small bottles of robitussin give me any high/trip at all?

    Had a friend die back in high school about 12 years ago from robo tripping. It was sad he was a good kid. IMO I wouldn't reccomend for that reason but you will do what you want to do. Just get some LSD or shrooms if you want to try hallucinagins. Or just stay the hell away from it all together.
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    NL & B-52 seedlings at 1 week old advice needed(pics inside)

    So they should be alright even though they are streched? Im assuming the 400watt MH will keep them from streching and bush them up?
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    NL & B-52 seedlings at 1 week old advice needed(pics inside)

    Well these are my babies at 1 week old. They are in 1.5" rockwool cubes that I dip the bottom of the rockwool in until they weigh approx. 30gr. I know they streched like hell under my 4 18" T12 flouros. so I moved them under 400 watt MH which seems to have stopped the strech. The light is about...
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    Need Help Please!!

    I just germ'd my seeds in paper towel then placed in 1.5" (40mm) rockwool cubes soaked in 5.0ph water then drained excess water until they weighed 30 grams each. My question is the cubes seem to dry like they are not wet enough. I followed Al B Fuct's guide to cloning. Should you be able to...
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    Nirvana B-52 & NL

    Just got my beans and wondering anybody here grew these and how was it yeild, quality, etc?
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    Wats a good site to buy seeds for the US?

    Why not nirvana?