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  1. mylakers1

    JUBS Grow log

    Looking good. What is ur temperature like? I know mine was low and I got that purple stem once. I got it right it went away. But that just me im still a nubie
  2. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    A little update plants got their strech on now they right at the netting. Compared to were they were on friday 4/25 I say a good 3 inches. They are thaking the nutes very well and they are starting to show little buds on the tops. You guys think I suould use some molasses? I use big bud. What...
  3. mylakers1

    Kosher Tangie & Blue Rhino

    Oh yea looks good I put my KT into flower a week ago im going to post it on my journal
  4. mylakers1

    Exodus Cheese 12/12 from seed

    What breeder is your cheese I have a green house seed but its a little girl right now looking good
  5. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    topped Some of the clones didnt seem to slow them down any need to transplant some of them into bigger pots bubblelcious showing its pre flowers nice long white hairs
  6. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    Thought I would post a pic of my mother plants and some clones
  7. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    It really is it rooted in 5 days in my clonner so did the pineapple so im anxious to see the end result
  8. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    Hey guys and gals this will be my second grow with actual quality seed. My first was with bag seed it was ok nothing special. My set up a 4x4 room with a 600w in a air cooled tube hps 6inch fan with a carbon filter venting out the side of the house. The plants are 4 g13 pineaple express 4 dna...
  9. mylakers1

    plant ? what do u think

    I agree I have other ones that were popped that r feminized so no more wasting time on it thanks for all the help
  10. mylakers1

    plant ? what do u think

    Will it hermi even though I havent begun to flower
  11. mylakers1

    plant ? what do u think

    This plant has been in veg 4 about one and a half months it was a seed from a mixed pack from ace seeds. I think its pre flowers but what do u think. Lights are 20/4 feeding general hydroponics temp about 70 -78 humidity a little high about 70 %