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  1. M

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    I think if I just use 1/10 of amount itll be OK. Why can't h2o2 kill pythium? Thought it hates oxygen. I got 27% from pool store. And apparently I can store it forever unlike 3% ones which are unstable. could you quantify one dtop. I'm thinking to put 5 ml/gal of 27% (conclusion from reading...
  2. M

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    well I don't smoke much anymore and my wife is still iffy on the whole cannabis thing because we still live in christian trump backward state where unconditionally growing = dealing. Not that I don't agree with you, I'm just trying to make my life easier. Anyways guys thanks for the input. The...
  3. M

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    Thanks for the post. I didn't want to go out and buy $50 pH meter either. I didn't use ppm meter when I started but bought a cheap one online. Guess ppm is easy to control if u know your tap water and the nutes u put in. Right now I'm on the edge to starts over (along with my tomatoes). I'm...
  4. M

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    I'm ready to throw in some ice water bottles. I think the res temp of 70 is too hight for do and easier for bacteria to grow. I want to cut off the bottom 3/4 of the root and cut off some big leaves before I sterilize the buckets. Do you think its good idea? There are are several opinions on...
  5. M

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    Well thanks guys for answering. I did try to google and have been lurking on the site since decided to grow my own. There are many useful posts and articles with picture examples. But honestly there were several deficiencies look the same to me. That's why Id like to see if experienced people...
  6. M

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    I have 2 plants that are sick. I use tap water so I had to add about 2ml of GH pH down per gallon to about 5.8. I used drop test kit so ph might not be accurated. these plants are 5 weeks from seed. I stated Dyna gro grow qtr of suggested 2 weeks ago. Looked kinda like boron or mag def? The...