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  1. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    a bump for any noobs out there
  2. josh4321


    i had some goofs take the top 90% of 15 1/2lb plants
  3. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    well they did leave the bottem 10% of the plants and no idea who took them the rippers are going up in the air to look for them the last few years
  4. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    the rain has been nuts why couldnt we get it in july what kinds are you growing codster
  5. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    Well just went out to one of my corn fields to check up and some goofs stole 90% of my plants I'm so pissed
  6. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    just a few night shots hoping they will all be done by oct 20 the sc shoud be 2 more weeks
  7. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    forgot to say this grow is for my dad we found out just after xmas that hes got cancer on his spine and liver been buying is meds for to long knowing i can grow way better the bud helps him so much with the chemo the gov wont give him his lic to smoke but the doc at the cancer clinic told him to...
  8. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    i leave all the tomatos that dont make the cut to be turned into the ground before winter
  9. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    same to you man i hope i can get them to finsh we didnt get a bad frost till nov last year hope it the same this year
  10. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    when the vk and bubbleberry fill out some more ill get some closer pis they are only as big as a loonie so far hope they get pop can size
  11. josh4321

    my back yard grow

    Hey guys just thought i would show some pics of my garden grow what do you think
  12. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    you calling me a coward
  13. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    what are you talking about
  14. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    i know its old but was a great grow maybe someone will use my idea
  15. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    ment the ripper not you
  16. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    point is thats why karma will get your ass if you rip someone
  17. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    i think it was his property he would have had to see them go into the field and be there quick
  18. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    plus he would still have his bud
  19. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    i to bleave he should not have shot at them just scared them off but in the heat temper takes over
  20. josh4321

    I wanna shake this guys hand

    thought this would make some people happy well anyone thats been ripped off worth the read Massive search prompted by rifle shooting | Local | News | The London Free Press got to hate rippers